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water bottom watering problem

Hey guys I need some advice. I've got 2 BB7that are just growing like weeds. (ThanksGH!)I decided to try bottom watering this year in my 16oz styrofoam cups. Well it worked too well and now my BB7's have roots about 3-4 inches out the bottom of the cups.. Cant really repot because they wont fit under the lights and its still about 4-6 weeks too early to start hardening off I think.
Should I just let them go as is? Worried about removing them from the cups and damaging roots if the roots get any bigger(might damage a little now.) when I repot in a month or so.
Should I repot them into the same size cups, but no holes in bottom? I noticed no roots grew out the holes I put in the sides of the cups. so I could continue bottom watering with the side holes.(unless just fluke none grew out the sideholes..)
Repot to cups with no holes and be super careful about watering(which I think I might underwater and roots die at bottom)
Right now I am thinking about hedging my bets and leaving 1 as is, and repot one into cup with only small holes on the sides.
Thanks for your input.
Not sure where you're at, but I'm in PC and have already started with hardening off.  You're talking about 2 plants, right?  Pot them up and raise the lights!
I have 20 other plants under the lights or I would for sure. I'll do some weather research though, I've been keeping my overwinters out and haven't had to move them in for cold in a while now.
just because you hurt a few roots doesn't mean the plant is going to die  :P Root pruning is a thing(google it) and it won't hurt your plant. 
Yes you can leave the plant in the cup and wait (lots of us do this). I wouldn't repot to no holes as you could develop rot and transplant stress is simply not necessary if you're going to same size cup.