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water Bottom Watering Question???

Ok, I hear lots of people talk about this. I am a little confused though, are you pouring water into a pan underneath the pots and allowing it to soak (wick) up into the soil? Is this better for the seedlings? How much water do you use?
simple answer to your first 2 questions is yes Matt...but after I plant out, they get watered from the top...

with a little experience knowing the weight of a well watered plant or tray, you will know when they have had enough...I usually let mine soak until I can see the top of the soil darken up from moisture...

knowing that weight is the key...pick up a tray that has not been watered and one that has been and just see the difference in weight...sometimes up to 2 pounds...
I agree with AJ but I don't let the top soil get wet, I like to keep the top of the soil dryish to avoid algae and fungii etc. Ideally I'd rather use less water but water more frequently
The only reason I ask is it seems when I water, i get a dent in the growing mix I am using. I am going to try bottom watering and see how they like it. Thanks for the informations and happy growing. :D :D :D

BTW, Potawie your avatar is just plain wrong!!! But funny as hell :D
I do the same as AJ.

Another reason to water from the bottom is to avoid "disturbing" the roots, especially in newly sprouted or young seedlings.

Since hearing about bottom watering (thanks, Pam, via AJ) that's the only way I do seedlings. I've never had a problem with damping off or algae on the top. I also try to use only rainwater though we had one prolonged frigid streak and had to use tap water. But I aerated it for a couple of days and also let it warm to room temps.

