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hot-sauce Bought a couple Cajohn sauces today!

I bought his Naga SoreAss and Jolokia 10 sauce today. I have never really reviewed a sauce before, but I will do my best with these.

Naga Soreass:

Ingredients - Red Savina, Naga Jolokia, vinegar, onion, tomatoes, lemon juice, garlic, salt, spices

Consistency - medium, seems to be pourable without great difficulty. Mostly seed-free. The fact that it is blended peppers is pretty obvious because of what it leaves on the side of the bottle.

Color - dull red

Smell - a bit of vinegar, but not overpowering. Enough chinense smell to really get your saliva flowing. Excellent aroma!

Taste - mild vinegar, small amount of garlic and onion, and lots of pepper flavor. This sauce hits pretty fast - after a second or two it lights up the roof of your mouth, sides of your tongue, and then the heat begins to even out over your mouth. It peaks rather quickly and begs for another taste.

Heat - 7/10

Price - $8/5oz

Overall - This sauce has great flavor and a good amount of heat. I think that chicken is begging to have this stuff on it! I definitely recommend it.

Jolokia 10:

Ingredients - Fatalii, Red Savina, Orange Habanero, onion, distilled vinegar, mustard, garlic, Naga Jolokia powder, black pepper, chile caribe, cayenne, select blend of dehydrated vegetable powders

Consistency - thick! Pours slow and you'll have to clear the neck of the 5oz bottle.

Color - tan

Smell - the spices are more apparent in this one. Slightly smokey smell. Vinegar less apparent.

Taste - The peppers blend more with the spices in this one and don't stand out as much as with the above sauce. The heat takes a few seconds longer to hit and then builds for a while longer, getting considerably hotter. I am not sure that this one measures up taste-wise with the other one, but I did not try it with a fresh palate. However, I tried it on a turkey and tomato sandwich this afternoon for lunch, and it was delicious.

Heat - 9/10

Price - $10/5oz

Overall - This is another really good sauce, and provides one hell of a burn that lingers! It will surely make its presence known in whatever you add it to. It has a distinct taste and it is a bit different than any other hot sauce I've had (note: I'm not as experienced as a lot of you) and its uniqueness is good. I could see this as a great addition to a jerk rub.
That Jolokia 10 is a real keeper. I've used it on everything from grilled chicken to bloody marys, and it always is a winner! CaJohn definitely knows what he's doing with those sauces.

Good review, and keep them coming!
Hey Steve,

Great review, good info on the type of heat, flavours (esp. the vinegar and salt thing that is seen amongst some sauces) and the stuff on consitency is good to get as well.

Keep em coming!
Solid Review

Solid Review....I am a big fan of the slow burn also. With names like soreass and jolokia, I would think these sauces would be crazy hot.
Thanks for the positive feedback. I was in the local mall and happened to be walking past the gourmet food store when I decided to see what hot sauces they had. They had a bunch of Blair's sauces, and the ones I reviewed, and several others. I'm really happy with my 2 purchases.

By the way, have any of you tried this hot sauce:

It isn't a very hot one at all, but it is super frickin' delicious! It transforms standard tacos into something spectacular.
Benito said:
Solid Review....I am a big fan of the slow burn also. With names like soreass and jolokia, I would think these sauces would be crazy hot.

Yes, they are definitely spicy. Since I have begun my love affair with all varieties of C. Chinense, my spice tolerance has increased somewhat, so other people might rate it them hotter than I did. My wife, for example, would probably put a bullet in my knee if I had her taste either of them. :mouthonfire:
Good job Steve. I have both of those sauces and your review is spot on. That distinct flavor you got in the NagaSaurus is the fatalii.
JayT said:
Good job Steve. I have both of those sauces and your review is spot on. That distinct flavor you got in the NagaSaurus is the fatalii.

Someone on an English forum likes this sauce a lot, he's on here too. I haven't seen many sauces over here that have Fatalii in. It's a great name, a good play on words.