event Bower's Pepper Festival / Victory Brewing Co.

Well, unfortunately there are no pics from this trip except for pics of my haul. My batteries were dead again and it was raining all day. Except for the rain the festival was great. There were lots and lots of vendors selling everything chile. Some of the highlights were the crab-n-cheese stuffed jalapenos, thai kabobs and ribs, jambalya, chili, oh and there was one stand that sold deep fried peppers. You picked out whatever peppers you want and they dip 'em in batter I think it was funnel cake batter as they asked if I wanted powdered sugar. I had a habanero and some sort of pubescan. I also picked up a bunch of sauces, a t-shirt, some mango naga jelly, some habanero pretzels and a bunch of fresh pods. Second part of the trip was Victory. I had Donneybrook Stout, Rauch Smoked Porter, Storm King Stout (on cask), a taste of Abbey 6 (which was my growler fill), Yakima (a double IPA) and one more that escapes me at the moment. There were three of us so we each ordered an appetizer and a sandwich which we shared. I had the Smokehouse pizza and Jerk Grinder, one friend ordered the Mozzarella balls, and Smokehouse Burger (which was UNBELIEVABLE!) the other friend had a half rack of ribs and brisket sandwich. I went to the gift shop and picked up a shirt and three bottles - V-12, Baltic Thunder, and Hop Wallop. A good time was had by all. On the way home we stopped at one of our local watering holes and I sampled some pumpkin ales. Weyerbacher, and Southern Tier (which is now my favorite pumpkin beer). I'll post pics of my haul later today.
WOW! Sound like a great road trip. Oh and thanks for the food descriptions with no piccy's! Bastard! My mouth was still watering.

Salute', TB.