• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BrainFart's Glog (Small hydro setup/indoor)

Hi there!

I started growing peppers a few years ago since I stopped growing cannabis and I'm enjoying it alot!

I will be growing indoors in a growtent and a few outdoors in the garden

The plants indoors:

- Jolokia
- Thai Hot
- Devils Tongue
- African Birds Eye

Plants outside:

- Cayenne
- Some unknown habs
- Goat pepper


Secret Jardin DR90 (90x90cm)
Secret Jardin Tneon 2x55w and 2x36w lightning
Selfmade Hydro system
Computer-fans for exhaust/intake

Canna grow
Canna Bloom

PH @ 5.0-5.5

A little sneak preview(more pics coming)


Hummm... The jolokia has weird little spots on the leaves, these spots started to develop after transplantation to hydro (in about a week or 2).

The rest of the plants are feeling great and are growing fast without problems.

They all use the same nutrient (circulating system).

On first sight I was thinking 'spider mites'...but neh...
I've inspected the plants, and there are no aphids...

Is the jolokia a more sensitive plant?

PH is @ 5.2 .

The others are growing good...

What could this be?
They are getting bushy:


Let me know what you think...

Ow and ehh, those 2 smaller ones on the front are the Bird peppers and sprouted way to late, But I planted them anyways...
Yea man, gotta echo Pia. The only thing I see at least right now is the front plants look a bit yellow at the tops. It may be the lighting, but of not when was the last time they had some N?
Thanks for the support!

Sometimes I'm still a bit worried because it's my first time indoor... :oops:

Yea man, gotta echo Pia. The only thing I see at least right now is the front plants look a bit yellow at the tops. It may be the lighting, but of not when was the last time they had some N?

I'ts the lightning in the photo, it made it yellowish...

All plants except the Jolokia are almost opening there flowers, I hope the flowers won't fall off...

Bhut Jolokia, recovering from some shock, spots on leafs are gone...still looking a bit weird.


Devils tongue flowerset:


Ring of fire:


Temps: Day= 27-28c / Night=25-26c

Humidity: Lights on=50% / Lights off=55%

Flowers are beginning to set everywhere, a few flowers dropped.

Thai Hot:


Devils tongue:


Jolokia Bhut, slow grower...:


Still bushy, only bad thing I can find is some dropped flowers:


Temps: Day= 26-30 / Night=26-27c

Humidity: Lights on=40% / Lights off=50%

Some dropped in a early stage:


I think the temps are a bit to high these days...

Changed the nutes from NPK 3-1-4 to 2-2-4.

And instead of watering every hour I set it for every 30min now.
WHOOHOO!!! first Thai Hot pods!!


Found strange mutated leaf:



Jolokia and Devils Tongue still don't like the swingy temp's, but cooler days are coming...
Ring of Fire is swallowed by the two thai's...(planted them to close on each other).
beautiful. They look just like my Thai Hots. Well the smaller version. I know there is a big difference from growing cannibus to peppers, but the main thing I would say is that every little differentiation in leaves isnt a need for concern. There are some things that should be taken seriously like signs of a deficiency or virus. Your plants look great. Very healthy. There are a lot of people here that are super smart at this and with your experience with growing I think You are going to have killer plants and pods. Cant wait to follow and see how you do.
Thanks chilliheads!

@Sanarda: There is indeed a big difference. Cannabis is more sensitive for pests/deseases/etc, I still have nightmares about spidermites eating my buds :shocked:

I still use cannabis nutrients, they seem to like it...


Devils tongue is still dropping a flower so now and then, The Jolokia is almost opening his first flower.
The Jolokia is the smallest plant, he can't realy keep up with the rest of the plants...but he's happy. :)
Some leaves are starting to get weird, mostly younger leaves....time for some H202?...what do you think?


It's like this for 3 days now...realy worried now :tear:

EDIT: Will start using H202 tonight, maybe it's a bacterial issue...
H202 worked, new shoots of crappy leaves stopped...

Devils Tongue is still dropping flowers, I'm upping my PH from 5.5 to 6.0...trying to get more calcium into it.

Thai Hot is doing realy great, producing pods all over the place! ...pollen everywhere (notice white stuff on leaves)


Outdoor Hab (dunno what type):


Outdoor Cayenne:


INDOOR Devils Tongue (dropping alot of flowers...no pods, small little flowers)


If someone knows what I'm doing wrong with the indoor Devils Tongue, let me know!

PH: adjusted to 6.0
NPK: 2-2-4
Temps: light on: 27,5c ...lights off: 25c
Humidity: 60-65