BrainStrain from Nate6279 destroyed me

hogleg I love your rapala filet knife. I use to be a rep in the fishing industry and rapala was one of my companies that I represented. Good little knives. Great review.
Good review there Hogleg,
I grew both the red and yellow Brain Strains this year with lots of the yellow brains being the size of golf balls,  even had some of the reds turn out to be larger than normal.   I did do a half of one of the yellows as I was hoping that it would be less of a ripper, "NOT".
The heat just exploded in my mouth and with in moments I couldn't tell if it had any flavor which I know it did, but the heat had taken away my ability to taste anything, and swallowing it was a big problem as I knew what would happen when I did swallow it and it didn't quit there the stomach cramps were really bad.
You have to really be ready for the intence heat and pain these peppers will put you through, they can and will hurt you if you are not ready and even then you will ask yourself why you took such a big piece. :fireball:
I ate an eighth of a yellow brain, that I grew from Pepperlovers' seeds, yesterday at lunch. It really lit me up.  They are so very hot. 
Red Brain Strains still kick my ass every time. For whatever reason they just destroy me.
The Chocolate Brain Strain from Judy is by far the hottest thing I`ve ever eaten. Not even close!!!
nate6279 said:
I'm sorry it hurt you my brother. You are the man for doing that and brave too. I LOVE the brain.
I've never known brothers, NOT to hurt each other.  :rofl:  can you just try to grow them a little smaller next time. :P
Nice to see guys like us stepping up to the plate. Good job hogleg, I think you handled that better than you thought.  