• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Breathing Fire? :D

As a start to my participation on the forum, might as well go full on with the activities and stop the boredom trends of whats wrong. Everythinig is going along fine! So far... :D
So what's happening here?
Here I have a small to medium sized operation mostly in pots. There are few overwinthered plants in the garden but they will get some attention as soon as they perk up from the stresses. :)
In pots, on the pics, we currently have some Douglahs(3), Red Savinas(3), Orange hubs(2), semi hot "sweet" bananas (2). 10 in total which are under the shading control space.
This has to happen no matter what! :)
There are few reapers, primos, ghosts still there in the gardan which have'nt got any attention picture wise. Time will come... :)
Tent/shading space is 3x3 meters and should be enough to gard all 10 plant to the end. :)
As the plants get taller, so will the tent. :)
Bring it on! :)




