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Broken hearted sauce

Sometimes my Jalapeno sauce comes together while sometimes it doesn't. After saute on low heat, with Jalapeno, serrano, onion and then garlic, in a little veg oil, I blend for at least two minutes. Sometimes four. I let it cool down a bit too. Never hot oil. I'm having to fight with this last batch to get it to blend. Why wont it blend? It's taken on the characteristics' of a broken sauce. Like hollandaise.
Because of the oil, it needs to be treated like salad dressing with regards to refrigeration and processing.
Salad dressing emulsification is usually start the water/vinegar ingredients in a blender. Slowly drizzle in the oil while wizzing = emulsification.

Just blendering the oiled veggies is a toss up if it will emulsify.

An emulsifier is also a great agent. Xanthan, guar, carrageenan, lots of other choices. Just remember, a little biit goes a long way.

Good luck, have fun, and refrigerate that sauce!
Because of the oil, it needs to be treated like salad dressing with regards to refrigeration and processing.
Salad dressing emulsification is usually start the water/vinegar ingredients in a blender. Slowly drizzle in the oil while wizzing = emulsification.

Just blendering the oiled veggies is a toss up if it will emulsify.

An emulsifier is also a great agent. Xanthan, guar, carrageenan, lots of other choices. Just remember, a little biit goes a long way.

Good luck, have fun, and refrigerate that sauce!
Salsalady, Thank you for your kind reply. As I had mentioned in my opening thread, sometimes the sauce would come together while other times, it would not. This last time, I had noticed that when I let the mixture cool down too much, the sauce would not come together. I then heated it back up, it blended perfectly. Not hot, not cool, but just warm. I think it's a temperature thing. It's good and very spicy.
sometimes the sauce would come together while other times, it would not.
Probably has to do with using more oil/less oil when you saute. Are you measuring? You could cut the oil out and dry roast the ingredients in the oven (or grill them). Problem solved.
Because of the oil, it needs to be treated like salad dressing with regards to refrigeration and processing.
Salad dressing emulsification is usually start the water/vinegar ingredients in a blender. Slowly drizzle in the oil while wizzing = emulsification.

Just blendering the oiled veggies is a toss up if it will emulsify.

An emulsifier is also a great agent. Xanthan, guar, carrageenan, lots of other choices. Just remember, a little bit goes a long way.

Good luck, have fun, and refrigerate that sauce!
Salsalady you always know, sounds like jalapeño sauce at Mexican restaurants when I do this type of sauce I fridge and no smoothing chemicals, just milling then, never lasting long.
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