Brown Moruga Review

So I received some Brown Morugas from Judy at PepperLover, as well as a lb. of their Douglah Death Mix, and 7 Pot Collection. The peppers come in great shape! Thanks again Judy, they're awesome!
But I was excited to try the Brown Moruga just to see how it compares to the red Moruga! Boy was I in for a ride. This is the only pepper I have ever eaten that made me scared it was so hot! The worst part is I had my camera set up recording, but I did not realize my CF card was full, so it only got the first 28 seconds of it, then it stopped... So sadly, no video.... But I did take some photos of one of the other Brown Morugas!
If I had to explain the taste in one word it was awesome, much better than the TSMB for sure. I think it's mixed with a 7 Pot Brown, it tasted like the brown I had a bit ago so i'm assuming it was crossed with that! It had a somewhat smokey flavor and a very floral flavor like other 7 Pots. 
As for the heat....there are no words. It was extremely hot, extremely. Like I said above, it was scary hot. It was the back of the throat and where my tonsils used to me, and the tongue. But the throat is what scared me, it was an extreme burn that I've never had before, not even with the red Moruga. It felt like I was going to pass out for a bit with the rush from it, it was the most intense one I have had before.... very big rush. The initial burn lasted about 9 minutes before I went for milk, that was not much help. But it helped calm it down just a bit. My tongue now still has little places of heat that wont go away yet!
But I honestly don't think I'll eat one whole again, but I will put them in food for the flavor, it was just so good! So now time for some pictures!


These peppers are big! Most of the ones I have are the size of a golf ball or a bit bigger, so they have a lot of potential for heat just with the size of them. So anyone wanting to try these, be careful. Don't do them whole. My stomach is cramping still and I ate it about 2 hours later.... So be careful.

Two more photos.

Thanks guys! It's a beautiful pepper inside and out. Judy did a great job getting this pepper stable! And they are huge. They just amaze you when you look at them!