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Brown spots on leaves

CP...can you get a pic by any chance?
Here we go

its all over the plant at this point brown spots on leafs think that might been an older sunburnt leaf but if you look you can see what I am talking about
I don't think this is Mg deficiency because of the advanced state of necrosis on the leaves...JMO...not an expert here though. I have been looking at photos all afternoon trying to find one that resembles it but can't. Still looking.
Might be some kind of rot/blight, but more likely they're just a bit soggy from the rain.
I'd isolate the plants and observe.
I have seen the same however, I didnt follow my own advice and I think it is overspray from the weed killer I was spraying. Yours has leaves curling up as well --- I see your plants are in buckets is there good drainage? Could be the effect of all the rain --- are yoy fertilizing as well