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Buddy Needs Help - No Idea What I Have

As I've previously posted, my hard drive crashed while seeds were germinating.  Did not have pots individually marked.  I am having a heck of a time determining what I'm growing (other than a boatload of cayennes - not sure why I have so many).  Here are 3 that I need some help with.
Was thinking Orange Habanero - they are a bit bigger than most Orange Habaneros and have very consistent pod shape.  Also, unless I have mixed seed, I do not have any Orange Habanero seeds in my collection.
#1 On the plant:

#1 On a plate:

#2 Growing in clusters.

#3 On the plant:

#4 On the plant:

#3 and 4 on plate:

#3 and 4 on plate:

Any help that anyone can give will be most appreciated.  I will have more coming over the next couple of weeks.  Thanks in advance.
I agree... the orange one looks like something between a regular orange hab and a datil, while the dark colored pepper looks like my jamaican chocolate habs.... except yours are slightly more deeply corrogated.
Didn't notice the quarter on #1, they are big, but still think it could be a datil hab cross maybe.

Same goes for some sort of cross on #3. Especially if maybe they came from the same source.
PepperDaddler said:
Datil cross?

#1 and #3
Not sure.  I didn't save any seeds from my own plants last year  -  I did grow Datils last year but didn't save any seed.
ajijoe said:
buddy did these seeds come from me last year let me know and if so maybe i can shed some light on this subject
please let me know
thanks your friend Joe
Joe - they very well could have.  I literally have know idea of what I have growing.  I had some seeds in my collection that I got from you.  Please chime in if you have any ideas.  Thanks in advance.
wayright said:
#2 Poinsettia ??
#4 Huge Choco Twisted Hab??
#1  Fatalii?? a lil big for Datil
Thanks.  If I have Poinsetta I don't know it - could be mislabeled seeds but I have none in my collection.  I didn't receive the  Huge Choco Twisted Hab seeds until after I planted these - btw- can't wait to grow them.  Fatali - maybe, I did have some Fatali seeds.  I've never had this problem before - and it's just beginning as I have at least another dozen that I have no idea what they are.  Thanks Kevin.
geeme said:
#1 reminds me more of a Burkina Scotch Bonnet. Something in the hab family, but not an orange hab.
Thanks.  Not sure as I've never grown (nor knowingly had any seeds) Burkinas.
buddy said:
Not sure.  I didn't save any seeds from my own plants last year  -  I did grow Datils last year but didn't save any seed.

Joe - they very well could have.  I literally have know idea of what I have growing.  I had some seeds in my collection that I got from you.  Please chime in if you have any ideas.  Thanks in advance.
the first one looks like a orange mutation of my peach TS it happened in my garden last year and they looked exactly like #1 and #2
they tasted exactly the same as the peach so i did not save seed on the other hand i also had some SCORPANERO #2 that where supposed to be red but were orange that looked like that too
#4 looks like LIGHTNING MIX
#5 looks like BLACK STINGER
do these explanations ring a bell??
please let me know
thanks your friend Joe