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Buddy's 1st 2013 Harvest

I put 2 Thai Mound and 1 Thai Orange in the window at the end of last year. Been harvesting chiles all year. Thought that I would share a typical picture (harvest this amount approximately once per month) - enough to keep me going. A few of these stayed on the plant a bit too long - oh well.
Not bad for Northern Illinois.
Nice Buddy. Fresh chili's all year around. Love it :party:
Thanks. Also have a Jimmy Nardello plant going - been having fresh sweet chiles through the winter. I need to get enough Thais to send to Kevin . . . and then hope that he will turn them into my all time favorite powder - Shirt and Thai - it's simply amazing!

Nice pods
Thanks. It's the 1st time that I ever kept plants going through the winter.
Awesome Buddy! I wish I had some fresh pods right now.
You aren't kiddin about the Shirt and Thai. That stuff is damn good!
I'll be having a few plants going this coming winter.
Nice Buddy! Bring some over and we can share them.
I'll be over sometime soon ;)

Awesome Buddy! I wish I had some fresh pods right now.
You aren't kiddin about the Shirt and Thai. That stuff is damn good!
I'll be having a few plants going this coming winter.
Thanks. This was the 1st time that I ever brought any inside. It worked out well - no aphids, no other insects, no problems. Should have a nice start on the 2013 season.
Nice. Fresh heat in the cold is great.

Nice choice on a Nard for overwinter I may have to keep one next year since right about now I am missing them fresh.