• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bug Wars

My Jamaican yellow has grown a Pepper, first this year :dance:, Problem is theirs a bug war going on on that plant, the aphids are being converted but the battle filed is bloody. Thinking of giving him a wash but dont want to get rid of those wasps that are killing the Aphids.


     Congratulations! Your plant is an ecosystem. If it were mine, I'd let it ride. It might be worthwhile to find out what those wasps eat when there aren't any aphids and try to provide it to keep them interested in your garden.
     I think the grey and white, mottled ones (the big, non-green ones) are aphids that have been parasitized by the wasps. There are wasp larvae living inside the zombie aphids.