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pests bugs that won`t die!!!


We`ve noticed here that the bugs this yr are not responding to the said neem,7 dust or other sprays.Apples,cherries,taters,peppers and asst vegggie garden types are toast.Anyone else dealig with the same?Nothing seems to work.Tips would be great and gas and a match has been considered but after 2nd degree burns this yr,,,,just ai`nt got the ----!Any advise would be great. Thanks
I've heard good things of "nicotine essence". apparently you take some booz, empty some cigs into it, let it sit a few days and then take the "extract" dilute it with the exact same amount of water and spray it all over.
Omri said:
I've heard good things of "nicotine essence". apparently you take some booz, empty some cigs into it, let it sit a few days and then take the "extract" dilute it with the exact same amount of water and spray it all over.

And if that doesn't kill the bugs, at least they'll be hooked on nicotine so you can charge them up for the rest of the batch. :lol:
Gotta watch out for TMV with that cig extract business though. The alcohol won't kill the virus, and I'm sure it would be happy to infect your plants if it was present.
There's a product we used in Alaska for mosquitos called Buhach. It was dried pyrithrium (sp.) flowers. We'd take a single sheet of toilet paper, put a spoonful of the powder, twist it up like a bomb, light it on fire and put in an empty coffee can. Mosquitos flying through the smoke died instantly! That's right I said...instantly! Harmless to humans. Anywhooo I remember the label saying you could sprinkle it around whatever for controlling ants, spiders, and all manner of insect type vermin. I'd be you could add it to water and spray it as well.

Ah...here's a link...


Salute', TB.
texas blues said:
There's a product we used in Alaska for mosquitos called Buhach. It was dried pyrithrium (sp.) flowers. We'd take a single sheet of toilet paper, put a spoonful of the powder, twist it up like a bomb, light it on fire and put in an empty coffee can. Mosquitos flying through the smoke died instantly! That's right I said...instantly! Harmless to humans. Anywhooo I remember the label saying you could sprinkle it around whatever for controlling ants, spiders, and all manner of insect type vermin. I'd be you could add it to water and spray it as well.

Ah...here's a link...


Salute', TB.
There's mosquitos in Alaska?:shocked:
Buhach.... Hmmmmmm... Doesn't that involve a Japanese girl and a whole bunch of dudes?

(Not responsible for anyone getting fired by investigating this subject further at work...)
Hey thanxs will try.Knew I shouldn`t of gave up smoking.There is a positive!yea my wife will kill but-----save the plants!