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Bushy plants

It seems some of my peppers are bushing out instead if growing up. Does rhe type of pepper affect heighth/growth rate? My tallest plant is 12" and shortest is about 4". Is this a reason for concern? Some of the new leaves seem small and tough and some seem normal. Could this be from too much sun?

They are wanting to flower like crazy. I've picked some off. Was that the right thing to do?

My garden gets full sun all day. if the sun is up they are getting sun. maybe 10-12 hours a day currently.
man, seems like you are freakin' out over a little bushiness...it's all good...just let them grow and don't be impatient...

no two plants are exactly alike...even within the same variety...

all of mine are bushing this year instead of growing tall because the hail storms killed the new terminal growth...and now they are bushing where the "killed" new growth was...any kind of bad news for the terminal new growth whether it is bug or weather related will cause the plants to bush...
AJ said it right..even same types can look different depending on growing conditions. I have one bhut that is actually very short but very bushy. Originally this thing was burnt (ferts) and I honestly almost just threw it away because it was in bad shape. Now it is REALLY bushy..but short. The others from the same seed are far taller but not nearly as bushy.

As far as pinching the flowers, obviously that is a personal choice. I do that when I still have things in greenhouse or simply don't want them to bud yet. However, once my plants are in the garden in the final resting spots, I let nature do it's thing. If the plant is capable of producing pods, I believe in letting nature take its course. My opinion...
I actually prefer short bushy plants over tall thin ones. In fact I have tied the new stalks down to the side of my pot to encourage them to grow outward a few times. My plants don't get full sun so I'm trying to make them wider so the lower leaves don't get shaded below. I want to give them the most amount of sun exposure as possible since they only get say 8 hours a day if that.
my gold bullet habs are short and bushy, my hot lemons are tall and lengthy, when i crop the hot lemon, they bush out from the bottom. kung pao are tall and stick like. my fatalii,scotch bonnet, 7's,scorps & habs are moderate in size and very leafy - i always have to check my labels to identify them as they look alike. my goatsweed and rocoto seem to branch out from other branches, so when i pinch some new young leaves, new branching takes place. my bhuts seem taller than my other chinenses but not as leaf bound(leaves are larger but not as many). my pequins are just plain tiny.
if you are interested, here is a website that uses a better description than i provided, just scroll down to plant descriptions and look at the Habit title.
