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Butch T ID confirmation

I don't think they are Butch T's at all. Look like habaneros of some sort.
These are Butch T's V

jedisushi06 said:
looks hotter then a habanero, perhaps its crossed up with something else
Yeah, I have to agree now that I see it on other than my phone. One pod looks a little brainish. Could very well have come from a BT pod that is the product of a cross. I wouldn't dismiss it as a loss by any means. Could be a very hot and tasty pod when it matures.
Thanks for the input. Even if they are not butch T's, I'm still super excited about them. I AM disappointed as this would be the second time I've raised a "butch T" plant from a seed to find out I've been sold something else. I've also got some reaper seedlings growing from seeds I've purchased online. I hope they will at least be the real deal. I will post when they begin to produce fruit.
OrlandoPeppers said:
Thanks for the input. Even if they are not butch T's, I'm still super excited about them. I AM disappointed as this would be the second time I've raised a "butch T" plant from a seed to find out I've been sold something else. I've also got some reaper seedlings growing from seeds I've purchased online. I hope they will at least be the real deal. I will post when they begin to produce fruit.
heres some butch T's i grew last year , if you'd like a few seeds , p.m. me your addy , i'll send ya some .  great powder came from these guys !     
Here is an updated pic of the plant in question, now with ripened pods.  Any new verdicts?  Could they just be an unstable variety of Butch T's or are they something different all together?