Butch T pod shape

From photos of what people call the Butch T Scorpion, has anyone noticed there seem to be two distinctly different pod shapes?  One has more of a tail and one more of a moruga look on the bottom. 
My butch t's were relatively consistent and most had the typical shape with the tail. Did have a few that looked like a moruga also.
KrakenPeppers said:
My butch T's have been a consistent Russian Rocket shape , with the rippled fat base with a pointy narrow tip...
That is what mine have been like.  A lot because that is what I though they should look like and have been seed saving for that purpose.  Mr. Taylor put up an online store.  The photos used by Mr. Taylor do not look to have a tail.


Thinking maybe I lost my mind, I double checked with Hippy Seed Company since they were right there when the pepper was recognized.  Theirs is much more like the shape you provided and most of us grow.


Now if I look at the plants at Hippy Seed there is pod variance, but most people seem to put up pictures of the classic pod shape (with tail) as a best example.  Mr. Taylor, not so much.

Confusing.  But made me purchase seeds cause I gotta know.  Dying to taste them too.  That and there is something about growing things like Butch T from Butch T.

ajdrew said:
That is what mine have been like.  A lot because that is what I though they should look like and have been seed saving for that purpose.  Mr. Taylor put up an online store.  The photos used by Mr. Taylor do not look to have a tail.


Thinking maybe I lost my mind, I double checked with Hippy Seed Company since they were right there when the pepper was recognized.  Theirs is much more like the shape you provided and most of us grow.


Now if I look at the plants at Hippy Seed there is pod variance, but most people seem to put up pictures of the classic pod shape (with tail) as a best example.  Mr. Taylor, not so much.

Confusing.  But made me purchase seeds cause I gotta know.  Dying to taste them too.  That and there is something about growing things like Butch T from Butch T.

I remember seeing my pod shape too, that's why I kept this plant going OW but now I don't see it so much, its like its now supposed to look like a moruga lol..
my Butch ' T' 's were all consistent ,

:onfire: and made a very tasty powder !  
From my (now 4-year old) Butch T last season

were fairly consistent with tails, although there were a few with short tails.
My favorite Butch T pod from last season:

ajdrew said:
That is what mine have been like.  A lot because that is what I though they should look like and have been seed saving for that purpose.  Mr. Taylor put up an online store.  The photos used by Mr. Taylor do not look to have a tail.


Thinking maybe I lost my mind, I double checked with Hippy Seed Company since they were right there when the pepper was recognized.  Theirs is much more like the shape you provided and most of us grow.


Now if I look at the plants at Hippy Seed there is pod variance, but most people seem to put up pictures of the classic pod shape (with tail) as a best example.  Mr. Taylor, not so much.

Confusing.  But made me purchase seeds cause I gotta know.  Dying to taste them too.  That and there is something about growing things like Butch T from Butch T.

I like to think of those as the old school scorpions.  They have a fatter more rounded underside that only vaguely resembles a stinger. 
A few years ago Alabamajack had a massive scorpion grow and was shipping out pods in flat rate boxes.  The scorpions that he sent me looked exactly like the ones in your photos.  They blew my mind because they did not have sharp and pointy stingers.  I saved some seeds and have them stashed away in my seed box.  I'm not exactly sure when I will grow them. 
t0mato said:
When I think of the Butch T I think of the type that Neil at The Hippy Seed Company sells. 
Me too.  Which is why when I noted the difference I checked the pictures at Hippy Seed.  My thinking is that over the years, via selective culling and seed saving, Hippie Seed went one way and Mr. Taylor went a different way.  So maybe there is a Butch T I and a Butch T II.

Yep, sounds nutty but there it is.  The two best authorities on the pepper have different pod shapes.