Butch Taylor website?

Howdy. I was wondering if anybody knows if Butch Taylor has his own website that sells pepper seeds? I know that he has one that sells his salsa zydeco but I couldn't find one that sells his seeds.
The only one I know of, http://www.butcht.com/collections/all shows that it isn't available right now. It hasn't been available for at least a month now.  I've been wondering what was going on, but I don't even know who to ask.
wrinklenuts said:
Howdy. I was wondering if anybody knows if Butch Taylor has his own website that sells pepper seeds? I know that he has one that sells his salsa zydeco but I couldn't find one that sells his seeds.
August 24 at 8:35 PM · 

Well, it’s finally happened, I’m 65 yo, unemployed, and now homeless!!! We closed on the farm in Mississippi today! I’m sad to leave my home, but we leave it in the great hands of Jay and Heather Crum who love the land and area as much as we do!

Will you still be making hot pepper powders or are you done with it all?  Best of luck to you in your future!
The new owners are not growers.
Butch says he will grow again in his new Louisiana spot, but not just yet.
Thanks!  Now, just have to wait a year or two for him to have seeds.
Hope he keeps the same website name.
The Hot Pepper said:
The new owners are not growers.
Butch says he will grow again in his new Louisiana spot, but not just yet.
Huuummm, known Butch since early 2000's... I took this pic in 2004 @ Open Fields,


From right to left, Jim Campbell (Former owner of Mild to Wild Peppers and Herb Co.), Butch, his wife Miss Shirley (Yes, you address her as Miss Shirley, a true Southern Belle!), and Scotch Bonnet Steve.

He's a member here but hasn't been active for a few years. His often used handle is TigahB8....


I have to run, more to follow.... NECM
