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hot-sauce BWW's Blazin' Sauce

So I read that this particular sauce is rated at 200,000 SHU's... I bought some, and honestly, wasn't very impressed... I ate the actual Blazin' wings they serve at the restaurant, and they were no doubt face melters (so I figured the heat of the food increased the pungency), but still didn't seem to be anywhere near 200,000 SHU's, more like 10,000-20,000.

Am I crazy, or is the rating wrong?
Depends on if the sauce was rated, or the pepper in the sauce was rated. There are other ingredients you know. And that is not hot anyway that's just below hab.

However it should be the same as the wing sauce at the restaurant. Maybe you got a bad one.
Depends on if the sauce was rated, or the pepper in the sauce was rated. There are other ingredients you know. And that is not hot anyway that's just below hab.

However it should be the same as the wing sauce at the restaurant. Maybe you got a bad one.
I know there are other ingredients. And yes, the sauce itself was rated as 200,000 SHU's. See link below...


I'm pretty sure the sauce I got is the same quality as the restaurant's, I cooked with mine, and got the same results, same heat.

And by the way, a habanero IMO is freaking burning, my tolerance isn't all that high... I ate one whole and it felt like a red hot coal was lodged in my throat.
That's good and all, but has nothing to do with what I'm asking...

Sorry. It was just an opinion about the sauce you were asking about. But to appease you, I actually bought a few bottles of the stuff from the BW3 in Wasau Wisconsin. It seemed to be exactly the way I had it from the restaurant. So it is possible that your batch wasn't up to snuff but maybe it just seemed hotter when you were there?? Honestly it doesn't seem that it should be at 200,000..........but that's just me.
Sorry. It was just an opinion about the sauce you were asking about. But to appease you, I actually bought a few bottles of the stuff from the BW3 in Wasau Wisconsin. It seemed to be exactly the way I had it from the restaurant. So it is possible that your batch wasn't up to snuff but maybe it just seemed hotter when you were there?? Honestly it doesn't seem that it should be at 200,000..........but that's just me.
No, like I said, the quality of the sauce I bought was the same as in the restaurant. I'm just questioning the heat of the sauce in general...
If it was hotter in the restaurant either you got a bad bottle or they make it weaker in the bottle.
I think I know what you are asking now. You have to ask Scott Roberts, since he has that on his scale at that rating. He is a member here.
If it was actually 200,000 SHU and they slathered it all over the wings and served them to you.....I'm pretty certain you'd have to sign some kind of liability waiver just to try them. I don't know how hot John's DM wings are, but I'd bet that's approaching it!

200,000 is damn hot even for the most hard-core spice-freak.
If it was actually 200,000 SHU and they slathered it all over the wings and served them to you.....I'm pretty certain you'd have to sign some kind of liability waiver just to try them. I don't know how hot John's DM wings are, but I'd bet that's approaching it!

200,000 is damn hot even for the most hard-core spice-freak.
IDK... I slapped a sliced hab, placenta and all, on cheeseburger and it wasn't nearly as hot as it would have been if I had used the BWW blazin' sauce. Maybe I should have used 2 habs...
Most habaneros are WAY under 200K SHU.....

I'm not sure where this sauce stands on the big "heat-line"....but it sure sounds nasty hot!

BTW....I always order the blazin' wings at BWW. Last time I was there my buddy, Tim, and I wiped-out 50 of them during the AFC championship game....

They're hot....but I doubt they're 200K. ;)
Most habaneros are WAY under 200K SHU.....

I'm not sure where this sauce stands on the big "heat-line"....but it sure sounds nasty hot!

BTW....I always order the blazin' wings at BWW. Last time I was there my buddy, Tim, and I wiped-out 50 of them during the AFC championship game....

They're hot....but I doubt they're 200K. ;)
Yeah... 200K sounds ungodly for straight up food. I guess the Scoville scale isn't a very good description for the heat level, as many other things affect the heat level rather than just concentration of capsaicinoids.
I guess the Scoville scale isn't a very good description for the heat level, as many other things affect the heat level rather than just concentration of capsaicinoids.
You are absolutely correct. I've been saying this for years. People have a habit of falling into the "Scoville Trap" where they will only eat products that contain X amount of SHU's. Different peppers affect different people completely differently.
Yeah, eating a raw hab straight up kicked my ass more than the blazin' wings ever could. But choping up the hab and putting it on a burger was a hell of a lot more tame than when I but some blazin' sauce on another burger. Odd...
maybe it was 200K before they cut it with butter etc...? who knows, its pretty good in IMO, but not killer. The mango Hab, and spicy garlic are my favorites
maybe it was 200K before they cut it with butter etc...? who knows, its pretty good in IMO, but not killer. The mango Hab, and spicy garlic are my favorites
I like the Mango Habanero, but I prefer the Caribbean Jerk sauce. Hell, next time I go, I might get the Caribbean Jerk boneless with Mango Habanero dipping sauce. *drools*

Dammit, I want to go there now...
I need to go one of these days.

Yeah I imagine a 200K sauce is hot, I'm not really good w/ scoville numbers as I don't pay too much attention to them.

Scott Roberts, can you chime in on that scale? (I'll PM him)