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Calcium and Magnesium deficiency...

After transplanting a good portion of my plants appeared to have a pretty decent calcium and magnesium deficiency and they have locked up. This is my first year starting entirely from seeds and my first time having a real deficiency. I gave them some CalMag a few weeks ago, but so far no new growth has happened and they are still locked up. How long should I expect this lock up to last and how often should I give them CalMag to correct this problem?
Also, a friend recommended that I give them a little B1 to help with the shock. I have heard conflicting information about using it, some saying it works great, others saying it doesn't do crap. Anyone use B1 and how much should I give them since the label on the bottle I have is 90% destroyed so I have no idea on dosing.
Thanks for any advice yall can offer!
Unfortunately it is too cold to try hardening off up here. I have them under a 400w metal halide right now, as they have been for a while (started under 200w florescent grow light).
lock up refers to the nutrients in the mix, not the plant
even with deficiencies the plants usually keep growing
if you think the pH is way off the quickest fix that wont hurt anything is to mix a cup of dolomite lime into a gallon of water (it wont all dissolve) and water thoroughly the entire medium. that should reset the pH and you should see new growth without fertilizing again in a few days to a week

edit: it also provides cal & mag
able eye said:
lock up refers to the nutrients in the mix, not the plant
even with deficiencies the plants usually keep growing
if you think the pH is way off the quickest fix that wont hurt anything is to mix a cup of dolomite lime into a gallon of water (it wont all dissolve) and water thoroughly the entire medium. that should reset the pH and you should see new growth without fertilizing again in a few days to a week

edit: it also provides cal & mag
My pH is spot on. My plants have "locked up" meaning they are not growing and haven't for a while. They are basically the same size as they were a month ago. Several show classic calcium and magnesium deficiency signs, so they are being treated for those deficiencies. I know once those leaves are affected that they don't recover and you have to wait for new growth. So far, no new growth. I am running a full nutient test as we speak as well to cover all my bases as I believe I might be a bit low on nitrogen as well. Up until this year my luck has been pretty good and my plants haven't had any major issues outside of some mild adult magnesium and nitrogen deficiencies, which have always cleared up quickly with proper action taken.
Even though my pH is correct, would it still be wise to add the dolomite lime?
TNRedit: FWIW, these issues seem to be almost entirely a C. chinense issue. My annuums are doing great and growing like weeds, especially my purple jalapenos.
Got some pics TNR? Calcium def has a certain look, but similar symptoms can be caused by mites (dying growth tips and shriveled new growth) so make sure you know what you are looking for.
Jeff H said:
Got some pics TNR? Calcium def has a certain look, but similar symptoms can be caused by mites (dying growth tips and shriveled new growth) so make sure you know what you are looking for.
Mites were one of my initial concerns, but I have checked every last plant and I have not seen a single shred of evidence of any infestations. I even found an old 30x magnifying glass and couldn't see anything.
Here is about an average looking plant. You can see the curled up leaves, bumps and the lower leaves yellowing. Some plants have more curl, some less. To give you an idea of their growth rate, that suntan is over a month old and there is practically no new growth since then.
TNRedit: Nitrogen test came back good.
This will not help much for the OP, I know why post it right? But it is good to know that deficiency can be either (more commonly) underfeeding, OR overfeeding.
I am not pointing out anything to these plants [in this thread] specifically, but this knowledge could influence the correct remedy...
A lot of people see a deficiency and immediately think it is because they are not feeding enough, so they add more nutes. But sometimes, every once in  a while, the plant (and this is the true term for "locking up") is so saturated with nutrients, that it does not know what to do and it will shut everything out. This is true lock up.
I just wanted to throw that out there because a lot of people miss the chance to save plants because they think they need to feed more when in fact they need to feed less, or flush the soil altogether.
Again, not saying in any way that these particular plants need less OR more of anything, I just wanted to mention the common misconception.
Seedlings were started in Miracle-Gro seedling starter and they are now in Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Ferts have only been CalMag so far. My tests have shown decent amounts of NPK already within the soil, so I haven't added anything additional other than the CalMag. I only water as needed and I have avoided soaking the soil too much.
TrueNorthReptiles said:
I have avoided soaking the soil too much.
     If you transplanted recently (before plants stopped growing), soaking the soil might be necessary to promote root growth into the new media.
     If that new media is where you're counting on your plant getting its N, that may be why your plant is starving even though your soil test indicates good [N]. It's there, the roots just haven't found it.
I never knew that. I will give them a good flushing tomorrow morning when I turn the lights back on. Thanks yall! I appreciate it.
just FYI, flushing usually refers to watering several times the container volume to get out excess nutrients.
Over watering is usually done by people who water every day or on some sort of schedule, not by soaking properly with a dry period in between.