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Calcium phospate?

I have been soaking my toasted black crushed egg shells in vinear for 1.5 weeks.
Do I need to strain the liquid before dilluting and spraying on pepper flowers?
Yes, or it will plug up your sprayer. and to start only use 2 tablespoons per gal of water, the mix is strong you can use a paint strainer or coffee filter or a piece of material like a sheet or old shirt. use the left over shells around your plants or compost pile.
I've never heard of this before; care to expand on this a bit? Where did you hear about this?
I'm in dire need of a good calcium source. I milled dried eggshells in a coffee grinder and put this in the dirt around my plants.
AjarnV= It takes egg shells over a year to break down so the plants can use them so you make your own liquid, plants don't have to break it down go's right to work.
Break egg shells into small as you can pieces,your coffee grinder is great, cook till good and black making some good ash, pour into a jar with equal amount of white vinegar, let it set for two weeks, strain, use liquid with water at two tablespoons to the gal of water. Spray plants, I mix it with papaya extract and some pineapple extract, Just started adding lacto and
sea weed extract plants are going ape shit. if you want to read up on this stuff a paper written By Philippine farmer Gil Carandang (BIM) just goggle Beneficial Indigenous Organisms there a lot information on the web his papers have recipes included, if i can be of more help please ask.

have not spent any money on any fert or additive in three years make all myself, wife thinks I'm nuts a hole bunch jars with wierd looking stuff on shelf
One more question; I don't like foliar because it's so hot here, it dries up quickly. Can this go into the soil for a root application? I should think that would be okay as well.
yes they can be poored on the soil around plant. But go easy on the plants poor into soil before watering it is strong and your not trying to change soil ph.

Blister thanks for the info. most of that stuff is store bought we are kind of islolated we have to make most we add to soil
HawaiiAl said:
yes they can be poored on the soil around plant. But go easy on the plants poor into soil before watering it is strong and your not trying to change soil ph.

Blister thanks for the info. most of that stuff is store bought we are kind of islolated we have to make most we add to soil

Ditto that! Thanks.
Thats exactly my problem; isolated to some extent and even the biggest and best agricultural supply shops don't have "anything" with calcium in it. Even the tomato ferts don't have calcium.
Okay, so put the crushed/milled and roasted/blackened egg shells in a jar and cover the shells with white vinegar like below?

I heard that u can give powdered milk to tomatoes. So i would probably do since what's good for tomatoes are good for peppers.

Do u spray epsom salts on your pepper plants?
AjarnV said:
Ditto that! Thanks.
Thats exactly my problem; isolated to some extent and even the biggest and best agricultural supply shops don't have "anything" with calcium in it. Even the tomato ferts don't have calcium.
Okay, so put the crushed/milled and roasted/blackened egg shells in a jar and cover the shells with white vinegar like below?


Yes just like that, let it soak for a good couple of weeks before use.
franzb69 said:
I heard that u can give powdered milk to tomatoes. So i would probably do since what's good for tomatoes are good for peppers.

Do u spray epsom salts on your pepper plants?

I haven't been able to find powdered milk anywhere; it's all baby formula, NO powdered milk. I don't use Epsom salts now because I found Fetrilon-Combi 1 and it has magnesium and sulphur and all of the micro-nutes except calcium. It can be sprayed or soil application.
jolokia_jas said:
Yes just like that, let it soak for a good couple of weeks before use.

Ah, thanks. I'll crank up the wok and have a go at the eggshells.
I'm curious; after the vinegar solution is used up does one pour in more vinegar and wait 2 more weeks? Or are the shells "used up"?
you got it. never try-ed it twice I would think because vinegar is an acid it would pull everything out of the ash, or weaken the calcium content. Have Fun OH!
almost forgot if you do it inside make sure the windows are open. I cook mine outside as they have a smell all there own. I put the used shells on the ground around the plants, or the compost pile and mix them in.
HawaiiAl said:
you got it. never try-ed it twice I would think because vinegar is an acid it would pull everything out of the ash, or weaken the calcium content. Have Fun OH!
almost forgot if you do it inside make sure the windows are open. I cook mine outside as they have a smell all there own. I put the used shells on the ground around the plants, or the compost pile and mix them in.

Thanks again. Because of the pungency of Thai foods, almost all kitchens are outside, or, away from the main house, LOL. Cheers.
AjarnV said:
Thanks again. Because of the pungency of Thai foods, almost all kitchens are outside, or, away from the main house, LOL. Cheers.

That could be quite handy and painfully annoying at times too i guess.
HawaiiAl said:
you got it. never try-ed it twice I would think because vinegar is an acid it would pull everything out of the ash, or weaken the calcium content. Have Fun OH!
almost forgot if you do it inside make sure the windows are open. I cook mine outside as they have a smell all there own. I put the used shells on the ground around the plants, or the compost pile and mix them in.

in my country we usually two kinds of kitchens in one house, a dirty kitchen and a regular kitchen. the pungent stuff gets cooked in the dirty kitchen. =D
oh yeah, i read somewhere you can use antacid that's calcium based like calcium carbonate (tums). but that'll make the soil alkaline though. so use sparingly.
you got it. never try-ed it twice I would think because vinegar is an acid it would pull everything out of the ash, or weaken the calcium content. Have Fun OH!
almost forgot if you do it inside make sure the windows are open. I cook mine outside as they have a smell all there own. I put the used shells on the ground around the plants, or the compost pile and mix them in.

Al, I cooked up a bunch of crushed egg shells, blackened them and covered with white vinegar. There was quite a reaction like a witches cauldron, LOL. Now waiting for the 2 weeks. Thanks again for the information. Cheers.