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Can anyone I.D. this C.pubescens variety?

This is a small pubescens variety I found in Pepperproblem`s freezer. They are pretty hot for a small pubescens. Initially, it looked like they might be PI 387838, but I`ve been told today, by someone who has grown those, that the shape is not right at all. 
So, here they are. They taste like very hot cucumber to me. 
ajijoe said:
manzano canario??
It isn`t that one Joe, way too small. 
geeme said:
No, but you might find them by searching the database on the chile man site: http://thechileman.org
Change the genus to pubescens then hit the search button.
that is a great suggestion, thank you. I just looked through all the files and maybe found a couple that fit the bill.
GRIF 1613, GRIS 1614 and GRIF 1615. 
I'm still interested in growing these I will be growing the PI 387838 Locato if you can find out what these are it would be amazing to grow them. Try and get a hold of hombre he is very good with pubescens he only grows them
Nigel said:
It isn`t that one Joe, way too small. 

that is a great suggestion, thank you. I just looked through all the files and maybe found a couple that fit the bill.
GRIF 1613, GRIS 1614 and GRIF 1615. 
oh yeah your right
Nightshade said:
I'm still interested in growing these I will be growing the PI 387838 Locato if you can find out what these are it would be amazing to grow them. Try and get a hold of hombre he is very good with pubescens he only grows them
I`m trying hard to find out through a number of people, including a C.pubescens growers group in Europe. I have roughly 100 seeds from pods I de-frosted, so I`m just going to sow them all and see if anything germinates. Actually, I`ll treat some of them with Gibberellic acid and hope for the best.
It`s good to hear you are going to grow the PI387838 in 2014. 
Yes will be grabbing a heater tomorrow to be able to grow a number of stuff I have the seeds started now which should give them a great start will be a pain to keep them alive this summer but hopefully they will have some size to be able to cut them down to bonsai. If you get them to sprout I will trade you cuttings.