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can i harvest potatoes?

hello trying and growing potatoes for the first time this year. Are my potatoes ready for harvest now? or should I wait? I have no experience with potato growing :)


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If they're showing above ground, definitely harvest them. When exposed to light, they start to get greenish skins, which you don't want. Dig up one plant to see where they are in terms of size. 
My Dad used to wait until the tops died back to harvest.  He would dig into the hill and pull out a couple of potatoes to check if the skin had "cured," i.e., was tough enough to not be rubbed off. He'd rub two potatoes together to see if the skin stayed intact.  As I recall, if we harvested before then, it was to get some "new potatoes."
You need to earth them up to get more crops. Plant will produce more that way. As others mentioned, do not let them get exposed to sun, they'll turn green and you shouldn't use those.
Other than that, if they are big enough and healthy looking, did'em up and eat them. You don't have to harvest all of them right now, you can just take what you need untill greenery begins to die down. Then (autumn time) harvest the lot, let them dry in sun for a bit before you store them somewhere dark and cool.