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Can't find a complete heat scale

When I see the huge variety of peppers grown by members of this site, I'm amazed at the how many choices I have for next season. I have been trying to find a complete heat scale so I can choose next years seeds being better informed. Most places I search through have major gaps or contradictions.Is this possible or do I need to just learn from experience? (not a bad thing, but I'm too old for that)
When I see the huge variety of peppers grown by members of this site, I'm amazed at the how many choices I have for next season. I have been trying to find a complete heat scale so I can choose next years seeds being better informed. Most places I search through have major gaps or contradictions.Is this possible or do I need to just learn from experience? (not a bad thing, but I'm too old for that)
Not sure that I have ever seen a complete scale, the work probably hasn't been done. Some say there are many thousands of varieties.I know there are many hundreds.
Anyway so many factors will influence the heat of any one chilli, climate soil, watering humidity, season, day temp,N, light,species etc etc.
Apart from that, all the testing methods have some problems and limitations and organic chemistry is a rough science at the best of times.