CAPSICUM PULAO بدی مرچ کا پولو


One of the earliest literary references to pilau can be found in the histories of Alexander the Great when describing Bactrian hospitality. (Bactria was an eastern Iranian province, probably the birthplace of Alexander's wife Roxana and geographically located in modern Uzbekistan.) Plov is often considered to be one of the oldest preparations of rice which has Persian roots. It was known to have been served to Alexander the Great upon his capture of the Sogdian capital of Marakanda (modern Samarkand). Alexander's army brought it back to Macedonia and spread it throughout Eastern Europe.

It is believed that proper preparation of pilaf was first documented by the tenth century scholar Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna), who in his books on medical sciences dedicated a whole section to preparing various meals, including several types of pilaf, and described advantages and disadvantages of every item used for preparing it. Accordingly, some Tajiks consider Ibn Sina to be the "father" of modern pilaf.

Pilau became standard fare in the Middle East over the years with variations and innovation by the Arabs, Turks and Armenians. It was introduced to Israel by Bukharian and Persian Jews.

The Mughals introduced many Persian dishes to South Asia including rice dishes. Pulao (sometimes spelt 'pulav') is a South Asian dish made of rice. It may be made with peas, potatoes, mutton, beef, or chicken. It is usually served on special occasions and weddings and is very high in food energy and fat. Meat pulao is a North Indian tradition, especially among the Muslim population. Biryani is a Pakistani and Indian dish very similar to pilaf introduced during the Mughal period. It is made from basmati or similar aromatic rice. In Persian cuisine and Pakistani cuisine, yakhni (also known as yahni), a soup or stock, is often served over pilaf (pulao).

During the years of the Soviet Union, the dish spread throughout the other Soviet republics, becoming a favorite in such diverse places as Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia.

(Adopted from Pulao wikipedia)




I am fascinated by capsicum. Capsicum is not hot but has fantastic flavor which overwhelms you when roasted or stir fried. Capsicums come in bright red, orange, Green and various similar shades. It tingles up your taste buds when fried. I wanted to create a Pulao with absolutely different flavor and an amazing visual appeal . This set me working. I had to let go of some spices without losing the taste and appeal of Biriyani/Pulao. I zeroed in on the following combination and Did it work??? Find out for yourself .


1 Rice 1cup (Basmati/Biriyani)
Green Peas 1/2 cup
Beans 1/4 cup (optional)
Carrot 1 no. Diced in 1 cm cubes
Capsicums 3 nos Red, Green and orange colored cut in 3/4" Pieces
Onion sliced 2 medium sized
Garlic 7 to 8 cloves
Ginger 1.5 " piece
Green chillies 2 nos.
Cloves 6 to 8 nos.
Cinnamon 2 nos 1" pieces
Garam Masala 1/2 spoon
Cumins seeds 1/2 spoon
Oil 3 to 4 ladles
Salt to taste


1.5 Cups of fresh yogurt
1 medium sized Onion (diced in small pieces)
1 Sliced green chilli pepper
few leaves of cilantro for garnishing
1/2 tsp of grated ginger
salt to taste

Temper Raitha with mustard seeds and curry leaves.


Prepare Ginger Garlic paste, slice onions Shell green peas, cut Beans in 1" pieces, Dice Carrots and cut Capsicums in 3/4 " pieces and set aside.

If you are using Basmati Rice/ Biriyani Rice, ensure that the rice is old otherwise, if the rice is new, toast the rice after soaking in water for ten minutes and draining all the water and toasting in a kadai/wok in two spoons of ghee till the rice is very light creamy or pinkish looking. Toasting for about ten minutes would do. This would ensure your rice grains remains separate when cooking.

Cook Rice such that the grains are properly cooked but not mushy. You must add a little salt before cooking rice. I suggest that you cook rice well in advance because, it will have enough time to separate. Take Green peas and Carrots in a pressure pan , add quarter spoon of Sugar and little salt. Pressure cook till 3/4 cooked. Immediately remove the vegetables from fire and keep the lid of pan open. set aside. At this juncture make a coarse paste of Chillies and keep aside. Now take oil in a Kadai/wok and add cloves, cinnamon and Cumin seeds. When cloves puff up , add Onions . Light fry till onions become translucent. At this point add multi colored capsicum pieces and continue light frying for further five minutes. When fine aroma of Capsicums comes, ensure that you keep on turning the capsicums so as not to let them get over cooked, They must remain whole and crunchy and should not lose color. Add Ginger Garlic paste, fry just under a minute add Garam Masala powder (pulao masala ) last and briskly mix the whole thing. Add chilli paste and required quantity of salt to taste. Remember that there is salt in rice and also a bit in vegetables you pressure cooked. You may use sliced chillies instead of chilli paste.

Now let the whole thing cook for a no more than two to three minutes on low flame. Take down the cooked masala for mixing. Remove the rice in a broad vessel. Mix first the cooked vegetables and slowly ladle by ladle mix masala and thoroughly mix. Cover the vessel after mixing and let it stand for about half an hour at least. Reheat the Capsicum pulao in a Non stick pan or in Micro and serve steaming hot. Serve with Onion Raitha
The flavour and the taste of this Pulao would surely take your breath away. Believe me .!!!

Yummmmy, that looks delish!

I love making pepper/rice dishes like that, although I don't have all the spices you do. It's just a good food.

I pretty much only use Basmati or Golden Star Jasmine rice anymore for cooking. Plain white rice is just boring and icky in comparison. :)
For spices, you absolutely cannot beat Indian markets. I am fortunate enough to have one within a couple miles.
Sour cream in raita? No way. Man I love raita to cool your mouth with lamb vindaloo.