Car. red problem - please help diagnose

Here are three pics of a caribbean red pod. Notice the odd discolored spots. I have these on pods on some of my pepper plants, but it's usually one spot per pod, not extensive like this. This is a new and unwelcome development. It does look a bit like stink bug grazing, but I haven't seen any of those dastardly things in my garden this year, and usually when there are stink bugs in town, you can't fail to notice them because they come by the thousand. If anyone knows what this might be, it'd be mightily appreciated. Even wild guesses are welcome. TIA



If you have not already...Cut one open so you can check for nasty’s inside as well as damage. Caribbean Red's are very susceptible to Pepper Maggots.
Im thinking a little sunburn too. Wouldnt rule out pests definitely, but I have had a few with too much sun look similar to that.
Looks like sun scald to me as well. I had a couple of Caribbean Reds doing the same thing. At least I think they're Caribbean Reds. Maybe they're a cross of some kind because they don't look quite as rounded as RichardK's picture above. They definitely have that light green lime color before the pods ripen.

Here's some I picked just yesterday on the right. Can anyone verify?

Mega's pic looks like a hab-not, it actually looks like another intraspecies cross, maybe a chinense/annuum cross or maybe just an annuum, and probably sunscald
Pyro, your pods look like typical Caribbean reds
My Caribbean Reds are variable in their pod shape, I can get elongated-fat-smooth pods, short-smooth pods that form a tear-drop shape, or lumpy smooth pods that have almost flat bottoms. All these shapes can appear on the same plant sometimes at the same time but mostly at different times and I think it has to do with the enviorment and nutrients.

Bottom line is, all Caribbean Reds have:

Light Green Immature pods that darken a tad as they near ripening.
Smooth and shiny pods that ripen to dark red (inside and out).
Very hot pods with a very unique fruity aroma/flavor that I can only describe as "Strawberry like".
Heart shaped leaves (most noticable on early large leaves).
Short flower stems which results in semi errect to horizontal immature pods that slowly lean down to "pendant" form as they enlarge.
Compact bushy growth.
Pyro, your pods look like typical Caribbean reds

Thanks for verifying. I was saving some seeds for next year because I absolutely love these things. I wanted to make sure these weren't hybrids first because I've seen so much pod variation when looking at others online pictures.

They're so delicious and fiery. If anyone here hasn't grown these yet I highly recommend they do so.

All these shapes can appear on the same plant sometimes at the same time but mostly at different times and I think it has to do with the enviorment and nutrients.

Yeah, my plants pod shapes are all over the place too. Good to know. Thanks.
okay okay OKAY they're not Car. Reds!!! LOL I checked with Beth the friendly Peppermania lady yesterday, where I got these, and she said they were basically red habs she picked up at the market, exact cultivar unknown. They taste great, though, and they grow like weeds.