Carolina Reaper on CBS News

Hi Buddy and Cmpman.
I'm not dodging the questions....I'm just giving a heads up on some upcoming Media articles coming out. And I'll continue to do that.
Ed and I have had several conversations about any future exciting news in the Hot Pepper growing world....and how it will be handled differently going forward.
Ed is thinking more strategically and globally with future information and breaking news.   I support that 100%.  Ed is brilliant with all of that.
I won't be breaking advance news here on THP for a few reasons.
1. Out of loyalty to Ed.  2. I broke news in Feb. 19th, 2012 about the Reaper here on THP.     The press release came out on August 27th. A few folks here thought it was "hype" and "priming the pump".   I'm not going through that again.  It's been 1 1/2 years and you still see a few  griping posts.  :P
3. Guinness continues to move at a Snails Pace....but Ed STILL believes we should get some good news.
I have no intention again of trying to guess when Guinness will finally make the right decision from the testing.
4. To satisfy everyone here at THP my vote on the next exciting new introduction is to do it in this order.  A. Guinness approval.  B. Press Releases.    C. THP members and all other Chilehead blogs hear of the news AFTER the press releases ( That's only MY VOTE...doesn't mean it will evolve that smoothly.  Things usually don't). No more advance  Heads up at THP or anywhere else.    That previous process took TOO MUCH time away from us running our businesses.    That is precisely the reason that we don't answer every comment here on THP.   But we do answer each and every customers emails.
5. A few Monday morning Quarterback's didn't agree with my marketing approach.  I stand behind that 100%.  The Buck stops here, not with Ed.   I assured Ed that the name "Carolina Reaper' would become a 'Household Name".  That has already happened in the Chilehead community....and  we're getting there in the global gardening communities.     We have 10,000's of gardeners growing out the Reaper as we speak.  The vast majority of feedback is  positive. But I absolutely DO intend to be more strategic and deliberate with our future marketing approach to new and exciting peppers and how we introduce them to the public.  So I am listening.   I'll consider ANY marketing strategies that are recommended to us...BUT I'll be more
inclined to consider marketing input from anyone that has my type of marketing background... even MORE seriously.....and that would be almost 4 decades of marketing experience with a Fortune 500 Company.
THANKS for the questions, guys.  :P
The Snowdrop Foundation is hosting “Grapie’s Virtual Run” on September 21.  This event is a great opportunity to help raise funds for a great cause.  The Snowdrop Foundation is dedicated to funding continued research to eliminate childhood cancer and provides scholarships for college bound pediatric cancer patients and survivors.  They’ll also be joining PuckerButt Pepper Company and many more pepper lovers at the Houston Hot Sauce Festival on September 21 & 22 selling special hot pepper products to raise greatly needed funds.  Stop by their website and their Facebook page to learn more.
GO ED!!  Very good cause.