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Carolina Reaper Plant Flowers but No Fruit

I have this Carolina Reaper plant that I got back in December and when I received it, there were already fruits on it and it continued producing a few more fruits until it got too cold. I overwintered the plant and it appeared to work well because the plant itself looks really good right now but the problem I'm having is that it keeps flowering, then the flowers drop off but no fruit is being produced. I've fertilized it and watered it of course, and it's getting sunlight (around 6 hours a day due to back yard conditions - which I know isn't ideal but use to receive less and produce more) so I'm not sure if it's just a time thing. It has just recently (in the past month or so) been staying hot regularly and getting adequate sun so I'm not sure if I should just wait a little longer, or if something else is missing?
P.S. - I'm also growing Cayenne's, Jalapeno's and Thai Dragon peppers and though they are all young plants (started them at the end of December), they are already producing fruits (still green) very well. Their flowers are actually turning into fruits but the reaper plant remains stagnant.
Any advice would be appreciated!


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Don't apply any nitrogen. Too much nitrogen causes flower drop. Apply liquid minor element spray if it looks yellow or deficient. The magnesium, iron, calcium and manganese will help fruit set.
Thanks. I just ordered a 16 oz. bottle of it. How much should I apply and how often? I imagine the directions are on it but they didn't show that picture so I don't even know if 16 oz. is enough.

Thanks again!
Depends on the brand, but it's about 1-2 tbsp/gallon of water, always follow label directions. Spray tops and underside of all the leaves.
I've had a few plants that looked fine, but wouldn't set fruit until about a week after the 2nd weekly spraying. It takes time for the plant to take in the new nutrients.
That's a healthy looking plant.  Seasonally here in FL (I am north central FL), after over-wintering, I usually observe the start in Spring of growth, flower development, and a period of flower drop.  This usually last a month, then pods start to set, then more, and more, and then am inundated by peppers.  Bugs seem to also increase to be vigilant.  Have you checked for root-bound conditions?  They will slow down production if the roots are pack-jammed in the pot.  Again, beautiful plant.  Buy it a bigger house?
Good Luck!
Thanks for your insight Chorizo! I haven't checked to see how packed the soil was but I will. I was told that you shouldn't use too big of a pot and that one is a gallon. What size do you use (or think I should go up to)?

That monster has to be rootbound.

Bigger the pot, bigger the plant.

I'd move that beauty into something at least 3 times larger.