chinense Carolina Reaper

DO you all think this is a cross between a Bhot Jolokia and a red Hab?
To me it looks like the Jolokia got crossed with a Butch T scorpion, considering the stinger.
papadaca said:
DO you all think this is a cross between a Bhot Jolokia and a red Hab?
To me it looks like the Jolokia got crossed with a Butch T scorpion, considering the stinger.
Do you have a pic?
I remember seeing a news story where Ed Currie stated the Reaper is a Red Hab x Pakistani Naga. 
I agree that the "ideal" Reaper pheno looks similar to the Butch T, or the Primo. But I have also seen Reapers that looked like Nagas. I am inclined to take Ed's word for what his pepper is.
I think the Carolina Reaper looks like a primo.  However, the creator Ed Curry has reportedly been clear that previous to seeing the tail / stinger on his creation he had never before seen a pepper
"Currie knew he had something special as soon as he laid eyes on the Reaper—it was the first pepper he’d even seen with a stinger." -
Kind of a weird thing to say because the Carolina Reaper displaced the Butch T Scorpion in the Guinness World Record category for hottest pepper in the world and the Butch T has stinger.  So do other scorpion peppers.  Kind of why they are named scorpion peppers. 
papadaca said:
DO you all think this is a cross between a Bhot Jolokia and a red Hab?
No I do not.  In fact, I have had a great laugh at watching that information get changed at Wikipedia (along with the name of the pepper).  Someone is clearly playing games.  The Wikipedia account keeps changing.  It is really kind of funny though because Ed Curry's account seems to change, Puckerbutt distributor's view seem to change, and the Media has made some of the most insane claims.  Here are a few that I have found.

“This is a variety developed by selective breeding, between a red Habanero and a Naga from Pakistan by Ed Currie and PuckerButt Pepper Company of Rock Hill, SC. -
As the above source is using the trade marked name, I -think- they are in contract with Puckerbutt and likely have the best information.  As I recall, the naga from Pakistan was one of the earliest claims.

“I will say that they are Asian/Sub-Asian descent and both are HOT” – From an Interview with Ed Currie
India is part of Asia, so I guess the bhut part fits this one.  But I am none too sure a person would think Asia or Sub-Asia when they think Habanero.  Also, although most people consider Habs hot I am none too sure that in the context of discussing the worlds hottest pepper that a person would use all caps on the word HOT to describe a habanero.  Just seems at the lower end of the super hots.  So no, I do not think a habanero was in the mix cause the creator seems to say it was not.

“It was by trying to grow a sweet pepper that Currie claims he accidentally created the world’s hottest.”  - From an Interview with Ed Currie

On the other hand, Mr. Curry has been clear that he was not trying to create the world's hottest pepper.  He was trying to create a sweet pepper, not a hot pepper at all.  So why would he use hot peppers at all in that effort?
“I said I was going to grow the hottest pepper in the world and that I was going to cure cancer,” - From an interview with Ed Currie

That quote is especially confusing because he was speaking about the Carolina Reaper.  So now we have he was trying to make a sweet pepper and he was trying to make the hottest pepper in the world. 

“Ed Currie took a sweet hot pepper from the Caribbean and worked to make it hotter.” - From an interview with Ed Currie
That quote could apply to a habanero, but it kind of sounds like line breeding / selective breeding more than cross breeding, so it kind of bumps the Bhut you asked about.  A side note to this quote is I had no idea the Caribbean was in Asia and Sub-Asia.  Oh well, live and learn.

“They were a Soufriere pepper from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent and a Naga pepper from Pakistan”  - From an Interview with Ed Currie.
OK, now we are in both the Caribbean and South Asia.  But this confuses the hell out of me because Soufriere is a town on Saint Lucia Island, not Saint Vincent.  

“It is a hybrid between a Habanero and Naga Viper, both of the Capsicum Chinese family.” - From a contracted distributor of Puckerbutt Pepper Company
Now the Habanero theory is back, but the Bhut is right out.  Also right out are any claims of the other pepper being from Asia, Sub Asia, or anywhere really.  You see the Naga Viper was created in England.  Another odd thing is that if I am doing math right, the Naga Viper did not yet exist when Mr. Curry has said he first bred the Carolina Reaper.  So thinking he might want to let this contracted distributor know they got a thing or two wrong.  Like the name of his pepper, the copyright term, and the word is chinense not Chinese.  See why this issue is so confusing?

“His record-breaking Carolina Reaper has been ten years in the making, having meticulously worked on stabilising [SIC] and testing the pepper, which is a crossing between Sweet Habanero and Naga Viper chillies. ” - From Guinness World Records
Now you might be thinking the distributor got it wrong, but why on earth would Guinness World Records get it wrong?
I could continue, but I think my point has been made.  I do not believe the Carolina Reaper is a cross between a Hab and a Bhut because I have no reason to believe such.  Almost every source contradicts another.  This includes Guinness World Records, Contracted Distributors, major media sources and Ed Currie himself.

Winston Churchill described Russia as: “ a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”. That is how I have come to think of the Carolina Reaper Pepper.  Love the pepper.  Have no ill will towards its creator.  Curing cancer great.  Just confused as hell by the contradictions.
This will be my next grow, I may have a friend in Georgia;s mom grow it for me. its to late in the season to start new ones in Chicago...... 
gangaskan said:
drew did some homework ;)
Was stuck in hospital bed with lap top, researching peppers for the relatively new website.  Got to the Carolina Reaper and my obsessive compulsive side asked what the hell.  So I kept googling and digging to try to find the answers.  The more I looked, the weirder and more plentiful the answers got.

I am sorry if I come off like I am trashing the thing or its creator.  Love the pepper and for all I know the media, Guinness, distributors and all the others have misquoted Mr. Curry over and over again.  Might not be his fault at all.  That or maybe he has that anxiety that kids get in school before a test.  They know the answer, but they get all twisted up from nerves.  I get that a lot, cant interview worth a damn.  So not trashing on anyone for their challenges.  But it is really annoying that a person can not look something up.
ajdrew said:
Was stuck in hospital bed with lap top, researching peppers for the relatively new website.  Got to the Carolina Reaper and my obsessive compulsive side asked what the hell.  So I kept googling and digging to try to find the answers.  The more I looked, the weirder and more plentiful the answers got.

I am sorry if I come off like I am trashing the thing or its creator.  Love the pepper and for all I know the media, Guinness, distributors and all the others have misquoted Mr. Curry over and over again.  Might not be his fault at all.  That or maybe he has that anxiety that kids get in school before a test.  They know the answer, but they get all twisted up from nerves.  I get that a lot, cant interview worth a damn.  So not trashing on anyone for their challenges.  But it is really annoying that a person can not look something up.
if it wasnt for his works however, the HP56 may have not come into fruition, and using it towards cancer research! 
gangaskan said:
if it wasnt for his works however, the HP56 may have not come into fruition, and using it towards cancer research! 
You mean the HP22BNH7?  Couldnt resist as that seems to be its current name.  But wait a few and it will change too.

On cancer research: All know about that aspect is that when ever it is brought up, the post seems to turn into a huge argument with people telling me that it is a myth being capitalized on.  I dont know a thing other than it is about time to duck.
papadaca said:
lets not forget he wants to keep partyin on!
From what I understand, he had an interest in chemistry that led him to being some sort of mad scientist drug manufacturer.  Then he bred marijuana to make it stronger, might have his own line of marijuana.  Not sure.  From my understanding, he started breeding peppers because he wanted to become immortal so he could get stoned more often.  But then he went into rehab and has been clean and sober for the many years since.
Watched my father get sober.  Amazing transformation.  Hats off to Mr. Curry for beating back that demon.
ajdrew said:
You mean the HP22BNH7?  Couldnt resist as that seems to be its current name.  But wait a few and it will change too.

On cancer research: All know about that aspect is that when ever it is brought up, the post seems to turn into a huge argument with people telling me that it is a myth being capitalized on.  I dont know a thing other than it is about time to duck.
From what I understand, he had an interest in chemistry that led him to being some sort of mad scientist drug manufacturer.  Then he bred marijuana to make it stronger, might have his own line of marijuana.  Not sure.  From my understanding, he started breeding peppers because he wanted to become immortal so he could get stoned more often.  But then he went into rehab and has been clean and sober for the many years since.
Watched my father get sober.  Amazing transformation.  Hats off to Mr. Curry for beating back that demon.
yeah, whatever the current "strain" is!  either way, cancer is a motherfucker, i have had to watch some friends die a slow death because of it.  if the capsaicin can help, then by all means lets put it to use! 
MisterBigglesworth said:
Ed is a born again Christian and views the world through that lens.
I am a born again Christian & I got no clue what you mean.  You mean the he has a gift thing?  Not sure why I typed it twice, but I do not think a person has to be a born again Christian, Christian, or member of any particular religion to believe a higher power bestows certain things.  In fact, being an American I kind of have to believe that the god of nature bestows certain matters on all of humanity.  Its worked into the founding documents of my nation n all.
Hell, I think that if the word gift means something you did not earn or work for then even atheists would say that most humans are gifted something by the universe because most people are good at something or another.  Mine is very high alcohol tolerance.  OK, its a curse not a gift.

Side note: Implying someone sees the world a certain way because he is a born again Christian is kind of a stereotype for born again Christians.  I assure you, there is a rainbow of differences.