• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Catastrophic's Total Newbie Grow Time!

So I've decided to pair my love of all things spicy with my total hack gardening knowledge and glog the results.  It's your time to waste...
I acquired 2 earthboxes from a garage sale awhile back for pennies on the dollar and elected to put them to use on this project.  The plants were all provided to me absolutely gratis by the supremely awesome and overwhelmingly generous KingLeerUK, known hither and yon on this very site.  The dude drove out to my house in the pouring rain to give me free plants.  He is the man.
The victims:


The operating theater:

Homemade compost tea for after the transfer:

And the results:

Since I have run up against my 5 image limit, I'll spare you an additional post featuring the other box - you can use your imagination.  These guys were a little small to be transplanting, but I think they are going to  be okay.  I performed this operation on Tuesday and they seem to have taken root just fine.  I will update this as they progress.  I also built a homemade earthbox for the other 3 that KingLeerUK gave me, but I'm going to put that in a separate thread showing the build process.  I'll edit this post with a link to that thread once I finish it.
Thank you so much KingLeerUK for the starter plants!  I hope to do right by 'em!
------------------------------------------        EDIT      ------------------------------------------------
I have completed my promised DIY Earthbox thread featuring the planting of the remaining 3 peppers.  If you are just swimming in free time feel free to check it out:
Well we all have to start somewhere, I'm sure you'll do fine!
Be careful of those youngin's, have they been properly hardened off?
And a thanks to KingLeerUK for spreading the wealth!
Can't wait to see more! Those things are teensy, I would have held of a bit. but its my first year, so I know nuzzing!
Devv said:
Well we all have to start somewhere, I'm sure you'll do fine!
Be careful of those youngin's, have they been properly hardened off?
And a thanks to KingLeerUK for spreading the wealth!
They have not been hardened off yet, I set 'em out in the morning to soak up some sun and hide them when it rains.  They will get there and I should have waited, but my hands frequently engage before my brain catches up  :dance:
Like your style.

I finished up my schooling over there at Rollins but can't say I really spent any time in Winter Park besides buried in the books.