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Caterpillars eating peppers

I found this guy eating my bland thai peppers (not birds eye). I bet if it was hotter it wouldn't touch them.


You can even see the leftover chili it ate. The caterpillar was huge! Freaky ...
Ahh the good ole horn worm. I got hit with them last spring. I pretty much made a ritual of going out and checking over the plants before bed and first thing in the morning and squishing 'em to goo. Little so and so's stripped my orange habanero almost down to a stick in just a few hours.
kill it and send a message to the other by putting it's head on a pike ;) hahaha, but that's a horn worm! haha didn't think I would know eh :P

lucky me, I don't get those up here in the north :D
Yeppers, hornworm it is! You need to kill those ASAP when you see them. I even made a video last year of me "making an example of" some of those bastards. Luckily they only got my peter pepper plant.
them nasty things come in pairs.

please examine the area and find where
it's friends are then execute,please

i got some bacteria at home depot to kill them suckers


edited to add link for biological warfare agent