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seeds Cayenne Seedling Not Forming like Others

Hey everyone,

Of 12 Cayenne seeds I planted, I kept only two of the seedlings. Unfortunately, the seedling that sprouted first and looked healthiest from the start with the biggest cotyledons and straightest stem is now not growing the same as the others. Here is a pic:


I am sure if I leave it then in another week it will probably be fine, but since it sprouted first I figured it would look more like this one, which was a less healthy choice to keep and once had a "helmet head" as you can see from the seed shell at the end of the deformed cotyledon.


Does this ever happen to anybody? If I am not mistaken, and it might be hard to see in the picture, but I think the second set of true leaves are already forming along with the unformed first set of true leaves. It has improved a bit over the past few days, but has not grown much in the past week. It is almost like the first set of true leaves was trying to grow out parallel to the cotyledons.

Any thoughts? Will this plant be fine?

I just thought it was odd how slowly it is growing compared to the other Cayennes, especially when it sprouted first and has been in the same conditions. I agree it looks healthy, I just can't believe the first set of true leaves hasn't folded out and grown yet, and I thought it might be a deformity. It has been like that for about a week.

Thanks for the replies, I bet it will be fine in another week.
they look fine to me also. I have 12 cayeene plants and some grew a little weird but are fine now. they should be OK.
Yes that happens. I have a Naga Morich that is about a foot tall and setting flowers already and I have another one that sprouted the same day that is about 2.5 inches tall and growing very, very slowly. Just gotta wait it out. I noticed if you top plants, which obviously yours aren't old enough yet, they tend to pick growth up much faster, plus you have double the growth. Just my opinion. But it looks healthy and normal to me. Happy growing.