food Cayenne Vinegar Recipe

Hey Folks,

I am thinking that I am going to have quite a few cayenne peppers this year. I have one yellow cayenne plant, and 4 red cayennes. So, I have been scouring the google machine for recipes. I have found quite a few people talking about using fresh cayenne peppers, and pouring boiling vinegar over them... then letting it stand for several weeks, and sprinkling it on foods to give them a tangy/hot flavor. I was thinking it would be great on fish, rice, etc.

So, my question is whether or not to cut up the peppers before pouring the vinegar over them. None of the recipes are specific. It doesn't seem like they would impart as much flavor if you didn't slice them.

Also, I would love to hear other cayenne recipe ideas. I plan on drying/crushing/powdering some of them, but want to use some of them fresh as well.
You probably want to heat your vinegar to be safe, and preferably use dry peppers since fresh pods are mostly H2O and will just water things down.
For cayenne sauce recipes you might want to check out the fermentation threads
This one wasn't necessarity a hot sauce... at least not as most people consider hot sauce. It is almost a pepper infused vinegar. Most of the ones I read through suggested boiling the vinegar first, and then letting it cool and sit at room temp for 3 or more weeks. Sounded interesting, and best of all, cheap. So I thought I would give it a go. :)

Just found this recipe. This is more along the lines of what I was looking for. This person recommends either chopping them, or at least putting a slit in them so the vinegar can penetrate them.
I think your process would work fine. I have a friend who makes lots of different vinegar flavors with fresh herbs, etc. She just pours the boiling vinegar over "whatever"....and definitely cut the chile open. At least split it in half so the vinegar can get in contact with the inside surfaces.
The ones I've seen with Tabasco peppers usually cut a few slices in them, then pour on the boiling vinegar. Was thinking of trying this myself on a couple different peppers to see how it tastes, I know the Tabasco ones are great on greens :)