• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cbradac's Office Purple Ghost Chilli

Hey guys,

I thought I would start my first mini glog off.

This is a grow log for my office purple ghost chilli. I have a large-ish setup at home (CFL and greenhouse), but I thought I would start a little chilli at work under a CFL desk lamp.

I've had the chilli there for a week or so now after sowing it on 18th June 2012.

I sow the seeds in a 30mm jiffy on a heated mat untill 2 true sets of leaves and then potted the jiffy into a clear tumbler with a mixture of Vermiculite, permite and potting mix (with a hint of lime).

First day at work. (13/8/2012)


First week Friday (17/8/2012)


Took the plant home over the weekend and left him under the CFL and brought him back to work on monday (20/8/2012)
