• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Cheated at my Tomatoes this year!

My wife tried to grow tomatoes last year and didn't have very much luck.  Plants were large and healthy, but produced almost no fruit.  I am sure that now that I am home, and with my new pepper knowledge that this will not be the case this year.  Even if I have to hand pollinate them!
Regardless I decided to cheat this year.  These were only $13 each.  2/3 have babies on them already!  The bees are happy.  I had 2 big fat ones buzzing around me while I was planting them!
Do you keep your own bees?   We are actually thinking about getting some bees for our gardens (and for the honey!!!)  Should be a fun new hobby with bountiful rewards. 
No, if I did I am sure I would have no pollination issues at all.  My wife is pretty allergic to them, plus we don't have enough land.  I am sure our neighbors would be pissed!
Scuba_Steve said:
 I am sure that now that I am home, and with my new pepper knowledge that this will not be the case this year.  Even if I have to hand pollinate them!
 The bees are happy.  I had 2 big fat ones buzzing around me while I was planting them!
Scuba_Steve said:
No, if I did I am sure I would have no pollination issues at all.
Tomatoes like peppers are self-pollinating. If they arent setting fruit it could be a multitude of issues, the least likely being pollination issues.
able eye said:
Tomatoes like peppers are self-pollinating. If they arent setting fruit it could be a multitude of issues, the least likely being pollination issues.
I thought they were, seeing that they are in the same family.  Can you please name a few of these reasons?  BTW, the few they did set were very late in the season.  Like October/November.  They were in the same bed with Jalapenos and Cayannes that flourished and fruited all season.
That far south I think people plant tomatoes earlier than peppers since they like it a bit cooler.
I think timed right you can get two harvests from them down there if they live through the blistering heat.
Able eye is correct.

In texas we have to get them out as soon as possible. Earlier varieties work better, as well as cherry types. They often get covered due to a random late frost or two. During mid summer I hardly get anything from them, and they taste horrible. Pollination is difficult due to the heat, even with our bees. The fall crop usually works out better for me, but most of the plants have to be covered for an early frost. If I keep them covered they will make it in to December and have great flavor.

Peppers will keep producing as long as we don't have a frost as well. Peppers seem to tolerate the heat better than tomatoes in mid-summer.
I have read that mulching to keep the soil cool and moist helps a lot with tomatoes. Also trellising is supposed to boost yield over staking; the idea being that with a trellis you can keep more foliage vs pruning down to a single stem---more foliage = more energy = more fruit. I forget where I read it, other wise I would list the source.
I go out and softly flick the flowers early
afternoon (10am-2pm).I have great pollination doing that as I don't have many bees around when I need them. Some people use a battery powered toothbrush to lightly"shake" the flowers. Distributes the pollen better.
socalgardengal said:
I go out and softly flick the flowers early
afternoon (10am-2pm).I have great pollination doing that as I don't have many bees around when I need them. Some people use a battery powered toothbrush to lightly"shake" the flowers. Distributes the pollen better.
hmmmmm vibrating polination now why does that ring A bell?
socalgardengal said:
I go out and softly flick the flowers early
afternoon (10am-2pm).I have great pollination doing that as I don't have many bees around when I need them. Some people use a battery powered toothbrush to lightly"shake" the flowers. Distributes the pollen better.
Found it..............http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz_pollination