seed-plant-vendors Cheela's chili seeds - Belgium

Looking for a specific seeds, I have stumbled upon a never seen before site, named Cheela's chili seeds ( Not advertising, just put an order, now waiting for seeds. At first there was an issue with my order. I have contacted them, and got very fast an answer. The lady from there told me she will send next day another package. I was a bit unsure about the issue, thinking that was my mistake, but found out was not. Told her too, it looks there was a change of the site she thought was made, but it looks was not made, or not properly. However, so far I can recommend the site for fast answer and cooperate to make things straight.
Will update when seeds arrive, and later about the plants.
Another good thing for me is, the site is in Europe. End of 2018 and begin of 2019 were catastrophic for me, too many seeds from US never arrived to me, even some tovarii send by Chris (cmpman1974) - twice!  
Thanks for the post, rghm.  I'm appreciating the quality posts on vendors I've been seeing lately.  It will be interesting to hear about your experience with the plants as well, as it seems the follow-up information, like germination and true rates, has historically been the least available information.  Yet to me, at least, is among the most important.  
Good luck with them  :thumbsup:
CaneDog said:
Thanks for the post, rghm.  I'm appreciating the quality posts on vendors I've been seeing lately.  It will be interesting to hear about your experience with the plants as well, as it seems the follow-up information, like germination and true rates, has historically been the least available information.  Yet to me, at least, is among the most important.  
Good luck with them  :thumbsup:
You are welcome, CD
Short long story: somewhere in 2014 I have bought some seeds online from a vendor in Romania, one was Wild Lombok. In 2016 I made some seed swap with Juka ( and sent him also Wild Lombok. Meanwhile I have lost the seeds (zero germination last season, I still have few left that I want to try these days). At Yukka are expensive,besides he told me he's sending only with tracking number to Romania, but the value seems a bit too much to me. I have contacted somebody in Indonesia for these seeds, but got nothing. Now I found this site (and I suppose the seeds are from Yukka, maybe not directly, which means they are from me), the seeds were 3.99EUR (comparing to 4.70 at Yukka, but he is also out of stock), and I did ordered  also Coyote Zan White for 1.95EUR, postage is 3.0EUR and 0.54EUR taxes. So, my order was made especially for that Wild Lombok, and the follow-up will be about these two.
But first, the seeds must reach me, which I hope will happens, and I hope soon.
Update: seeds arrived today. They were sent on Thursday Jan.,09, arrived on Monday Jan.,13, with a weekend in between. That's good.
I did ordered Wild Lombok and Coyote Zan White, and got anther 2 freebies. Seeds were packed in a zip bag, and those from order were packed in a nice think cardboard package, you can see below. 
So far so good, the seeds will hit the dirt today.

rghm1u20 said:
 Will see, whatever, my order was for Wild Lombok, I just put the finger on this one too and ordered. 
BTW, do you know where from this name Coyote Zan White? 
Unfortunately, I don't know where the name comes from.  I've heard it said it looks more yellow in photos and more white in person.  I was just having some fun with the name.
Good luck with both that and the Lombok!
CaneDog said:
Unfortunately, I don't know where the name comes from.  I've heard it said it looks more yellow in photos and more white in person.  I was just having some fun with the name.
Good luck with both that and the Lombok!
I am asking seriously.I would like to know where from the name comes, and to answer to a question I have since I saw this name ant the pepper for the first time. For me, this looks like a misspelled name derived from Coyote Zahn White (Zahn in German means Tooth), and maybe the name was Coyote Zahn. The pepper even looks like a coyote tooth.
Now, about the white or yellow color.... we'll see.
rghm1u20 said:
I am asking seriously.I would like to know where from the name comes, and to answer to a question I have since I saw this name ant the pepper for the first time. For me, this looks like a misspelled name derived from Coyote Zahn White (Zahn in German means Tooth), and maybe the name was Coyote Zahn. The pepper even looks like a coyote tooth.
Now, about the white or yellow color.... we'll see.
 Found this, don't know if it helps?
Shaped like a little white fang the Coyote Zan White originates from Brazil with the pods growing to about 3-4cm long by 1.5cm wide.
Update: seeds arrived today. They were sent on Thursday Jan.,09, arrived on Monday Jan.,13, with a weekend in between. That's good.
I did ordered Wild Lombok and Coyote Zan White, and got anther 2 freebies. Seeds were packed in a zip bag, and those from order were packed in a nice think cardboard package, you can see below.
So far so good, the seeds will hit the dirt today.



@rghm1u20 The Coyote Zan White is a great producer and the plant can grow quite big too! Once pods start to grow, you will pick them non-stop until the end of the season. The fruit starts pale green then turns to a yellow-cream color and almost pure white if left to mature long enough. Been eating this one on a regular basis when I was walking around my garden and I made a very nice sauce with my harvest (with Cheiro cream and pear) back in 2020! Good luck with your grow🤘