Cheiro roxa review - they are so good I wanted a new post for this

Sorry for the double Cheiro roxa post, but i had to share how good I thought this one was. 
Do whatever you have to to get seeds for this variety. Astonishingly good!
The effects are VERY like that of Cumari du para, but the flavour is more complex and fruity. I didn`t think I`d find another one as good as the Cumari du para ever, let alone a few weeks later. However, I did. How lucky is that?!?!?!?!?
Nigel, you're not making it any easier for me to decide what to grow in my limited space next year!
Guess I'll just have to round up some seed for one of these little beauties you've reviewed recently and expand the list yet again.
Keep up the good work.  I really enjoy your reviews.
Cool! I have a couple Chiero Roxas for the first time this year. They are loaded with purplish pods, and a few pods are turning to orange. When's the best time to pick these guys?
At the moment Nigel reviews something then I go and find seeds and buy them.  I wish one of the seed vendors would stock a Nigels top 5 seeds package.
Robisburning said:
At the moment Nigel reviews something then I go and find seeds and buy them.  I wish one of the seed vendors would stock a Nigels top 5 seeds package.
who do you get seeds from? JungleRain, THSC? 
I bought seeds for the first time this year and have made orders from Fatalii, Pepper Joe, JungleRain, Pepper Lover and Semillas. Going forward I will purchase from Pepper Lover and Semillas.  Junglerain was also very good, but Judy and Peter have both helped on specific issues and I trust them.
I should probably try out THSC,I have watched quite a few of their cool videos, I am concerned some of the Aussie seed vendors may resent their Kiwi customers due to our complete rugby domination of late.
Robisburning said:
I should probably try out THSC,I have watched quite a few of their cool videos, I am concerned some of the Aussie seed vendors may resent their Kiwi customers due to our complete rugby domination of late.
HAHAHA...rubbing a little hot pepper salt in the wound?
NZ is to Australia as Canada is to the USA... except they don't play much rugby in the US or Canada... or Australia anymore apparently. Maybe I am mildly seasoning my comments now that you mention it.
Robisburning said:
NZ is to Australia as Canada(who?) is to the USA... except they don't play much rugby(what?) in the US or Canada... or Australia anymore apparently(more hot pepper salt). Maybe I am mildly seasoning my comments now that you mention it.
Loved you response!
I could take your posts (and maybe I will) and plug in Dover and New Phila and football but that would fall on deaf ears as I doubt there is anyone else on THP from Dover or New Phila. (and you likely don't know what football is any more than the NP Quakers when they play the Dover Tornadoes)
Interestingly - well,,,to me at least - Dover High School played Lorne Park, a Canadian high school (or maybe a professional) football team this past Thursday.  We won by an embarrassing margin because the Canucks wore out prematurely from the southern heat.   :lol:
As a side note, there really isn't much athletic rivalry between the US and Canada as they don't offer much competition in any sports in which Americans are passionate except curling. 