Chile Pepper Database Photo appeal

Hi Guys,

As many of you will know, a fellow chiligrower and I have spent the last 2 years (in our free time) putting together a very comprhensive 'chilli pepper varieties' database which Im please to see is used frequently by The Hot Peppers members.

I hope you find it very easy and intutative to use. I know it may seem like a sad task as we don't make a $ from it, but we have do it for the benefit of all chilli growers.

We now have detailed info on over 3700 varieties with nearly 4000 images loaded in the database. However we still have some gaps.

If would like to get involved with this project and you have good quality pod or flower images for varieties no images are listed in the database, please add them to this thread or email them to us at:

Remember to let us know what copyright info you would like listed next to the image.

All the best

I'm glad to have finally found who is responsible for that web site. I want to say, That is a GREAT site. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to hot peppers. That has got to be the most comprehensive pepper site I have seen. You guys did a great job and I just wanted to let you know that it is appreciated.
