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Chilehead Worm

I was picking some pods last night when I found a ripe Douglah with a hole in it. I broke the pod open to find this suicidal worm inside.

Not sure what kind of worm it was, but I wonder if he knew what he was getting himself into?


Look at the oil that thing is bathing in. I had no idea worms were chileheads too.

I also found a couple worms but this one were in some Hungarian Hot Wax, the pepper was ripen to red and yea the worm was still alive and munching, maybe they are like birds and have no capsaisin receptors
Fruit fly maggots don't seem to mind the heat either. It appears they love nothing better than a big ol' chilli!

Possibly lack of receptors? But then I've seen the possums here grow tolerance to the hot stuff. Can't blame 'em for lovin' themselves some chilli, I guess, but still infuriates me beyond belief nonetheless! :lol: Got themselves in the deep-end not so long ago though when they got into my Fataliis one night and I found upchuck around the place......

Looks like it paid the ultimate price for a spicy meal :lol: It just looks like a caterpillar that got carried away! Heres an intersting read for ya about the related topic

Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni) have no problems with chillies either. First-hand experience.... they go nuts over 'em! :( They will be my next big battle this season once my plants start producing.