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chileseeds.co.uk - Satan's StrainTS Morouga Red

chileseeds.co.uk claim that they have the seeds for the hottest pepper:

Satan's Strain Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Red

but, i read in this forum that it is false marketing.

so , is it a scam or legit so i buy it :)

ChileSeeds.co.uk :

This little beauty has been tested at 1,194,205 (SHU). The chap growing this has been selecting pods for heat (by taste) for over 3 years and growing on to produce this scorching strain of Red Morouga.
Don't believe everything you read, especially the SHU tests done at Warwick which all seem to be over a million SHU :(
just buy it, tell your friends "it's one of the hottest peppers in the world". once you grow it out, it will probably lose some of its heat value.
7 pods, scorpians, bhuts, naga types are all going to be in the same range when not grown by a trained professional..... the range of extremely hot.
I checked the page, they have another pepper being covered on the main seed page. A Yellow Trinidad 7pot Jonah which is actually orange in the picture shown (bad lighting could be responsible?).
Yeah I had similar concerns (Especially with the "Yellow Johnah", thread here: http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/19607-maybe-im-to-cynical/page__p__413452__fromsearch__1#entry413452