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Chilhaucle Rojo

I ate my first one tonight, and the couple tiny pieces I tried raw had enough heat to keep my lips burning for a good 30 minutes (even though I didn't remember actually touching it to them). It wasn't a heat that sneaks up on you. It hit before I could taste any flavor, but was gone pretty quick, except for my lips. What's up with that? Anyway, I chopped it up and cooked it in oil with some garlic, then added it to a pasta dish that I fed the whole family. Was a little scared all the kids were going to start crying, but no one said a word. When I started eating, I realized that all of the heat had dissipated with cooking.

Is this common with most hot peppers? Or does it just depend on the variety?

My other question is how much heat have you found this pepper to have? I can't seem to find a Scoville rating on this one. A couple places say mild or low heat, and another says medium hot. Guess I'm just trying to determine how big of a whimp I really am.

I know I saw this on a couple of people's growlists this year, so just curious what everyone else thinks of this pepper.
Wow, I know I'm not the only one growing this pepper. I remember seeing it on several people's growlists at the beginning of the season. The fact that over 60 people checked out this thread tells me there's at least some interest in this variety.

Anyway, I learned another lesson yesterday. Even though there wasn't enough heat in that pepper to burn the skin on my hands, it was enough to come off on my contact lenses when I removed them later that night. When I put them in yesterday, my eyes were on fire, and I couldn't get those things out fast enough!!! :onfire: Apparently, the cleaning solution doesn't do much of a job at removing the capsaicin. Still burned a little this morning, but it was tolerable. Another reason to wear gloves when chopping peppers.
Wow, I know I'm not the only one growing this pepper. I remember seeing it on several people's growlists at the beginning of the season. The fact that over 60 people checked out this thread tells me there's at least some interest in this variety.

Anyway, I learned another lesson yesterday. Even though there wasn't enough heat in that pepper to burn the skin on my hands, it was enough to come off on my contact lenses when I removed them later that night. When I put them in yesterday, my eyes were on fire, and I couldn't get those things out fast enough!!! :onfire: Apparently, the cleaning solution doesn't do much of a job at removing the capsaicin. Still burned a little this morning, but it was tolerable. Another reason to wear gloves when chopping peppers.

Sorry that I can't help directly with your question. If you remember any of the folks who had it on their grow lists, it might not be a bad idea to send them a link to this thread.