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Chilhuacle Negro...Cascabel...color when ripe?

Can someone post an accurate photo of both the Chil-Negro, and Cascabel in their ripe stage? I'm finding a lot a photos of dried pods, but I'd like to see some ripe on the plants, if possible. Thanks. My pods are changing color, and I want to be sure I pick them at their peak of ripeness.
Chilhuacle Negro are brown,Cascabel are a dark red/Mahogany color.

My Chilhuacle Negro in the spring were thick fleshed.I just picked a couple the other day and they were thin fleshed.
I guess the early,cool weather ones must have held more water or something.Wierd.
I have am growing cascabel and they seem to have been green for a really long time, do they just go from green to mahogany color, or do they transition through other colors first?
Didn't have a camera back then and still don't own a cell phone.
Won't own a cell until hell freezes over if I can help it.

If it takes pics for my posts to be credible/no pics not true type thing- I'll not post anymore pepper info that I don't have pics of.

Google is your friend,try Cascabel,Cascabel Bola.


I've got some Chilhaucle Negro pods and no camera.
Want me to hold them REAL close to my monitor so you can see them. :)

Just pullin your chain.

My cameras batteries are dead and the other camera only takes smaller than 1 gig flash cards.
Don't know how to copy cards on cd's and lost too many pics on photobucket at times after I cleared cards for re use.

So I'm camera less -need rechargable battery and memory cards they don't sell anymore.
No pics until I hit up the swapmeet.Can't afford a new camera for just taking pepper pics.
I grow both. My cascabels ripened from green to dark red if i remember correctly.. The chihuacle negro ripened from green to brown and pod size varied quite a bit.

Hey smokemaster, thats pretty interesting how yours started thick skinned. All mine have been thin skinned.
ALL the ones I pick recently are thin . tough skinned with stems that need to be cut,not picked like other peppers.Pod stems are thicker than the plants branches by 2x or more.

I posted somewhere that my pods were thick fleshed earlier this year.
It must have been water retention and cool temps.
From what I pick now,the pods are the same size etc. but are thin skinned and have an almost half dried texture to the flesh.
Tastey additions to rubs or whatever.Great flavor blenders.

I never figured out Cascabel.
They are either putting out a zillion pods or just the opposite-trying to die all the time and I just get 3 pods all season.

They are so cheap in the Mex. Marts it isn't worth growing them here.
I think they go bulk for a little over a buck a LB. dried and cheaper on sale.
Yea the cascabels and guajillos are cheaper just to buy dried. I still grow both because i smoke them and use in a powder blend along with chicuacle negro and a few other mexican peppers.
I smoke the dried ones too after I clean them.

Just have to watch not to over smoke them.
They can get bitter if over smoked dry.

I think smoking dried ones is like roasting dry pods,it gets the oils out and makes them smokey tasting.

Smoking dry pods goes real fast.
Ripe Chilhuacle (chee-WAH-lee) Negro are dark brown. Think of little brown leather bell peppers.
I have a few ripe ones on a plant but it's too friggin cold out now to get a shot.
Hey ottawa, too cold to go out huh? Down here in Florida its so friggin hot, my plants are dropping a good part of their flowers. Cant wait until fall here, thats when i seem to get more pods.