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Chili Pepper Maze

I plan to construct a chili maze. The idea behind it is a visual feast for the eyes for clients staying at the lodge as well as a producer for all things chili.
My thoughts were 4-5 dead ends all with a pepper of varying heat at the end. People take the maze challange and have to eat the pepper on the plant each time they hot a dead end. I think it could be fun.
I am a relative noob to the vast world of pepper varieties so would very much appreciate some input from all here. I plan to use 10 gallon containers. Would need relatively larger plants, visually appealing is a must, a variety of leaves (colour, size, shape) and off course beautiful peppers of all shapes and sizes.
We have plenty of backpackers who no doubt would love the danger of hitting a super hot dead end but I also want to make it accessible for children so with this in mind would be good to have a couple of zero heat chilies, if there is such a thing, these I will grow next to the dead end pepper and when children do the maze move the pots around.
Would like the centre piece Chili to be special, perhaps we could have competition here, if people have some homegrown strains they could put them forward and the chosen one can come and stay at the lodge for a couple of nights for free, if they ever come to Panama...just a thought.
Need to do some measurments and math but could be looking at 100 plants.
So feel free to throw me some thoughts, ideas, varieties etc etc.
Thanks in advance
That is an extremely complex project. I know several people who would deliberately go to all the dead ends right at the get go. I know more like myself who enjoy hot and super hot peppers in a more controlled environment. And kids could be a liability as lots of peppers throughout the maze may look enticingly delicious to kids, and not all kids have the kind of tolerance that allows you to be unconcerned.
You have the Panamanian climate going for you and thus, pepper grow rates will help. Still, growing the maze from seed will take considerable time as well as the upkeep on all those potted plants. Container grows require much more care than in ground grows do and though I have not seen the layout of the project, one can only assume it will be huge. maybe thousands of pepper plants. I now cringe at the thought of 300.
But good luck just the same.
You could collect varieties from every country(making it a who's who collection) or better yet show case the native varieties of food of your homeland giving visitors a native tour.
If you were really planning to make the walls from pepper trees, you could go with a prolific type like jalapeno or I forget the other one that is hard to kill and has a pod full of seeds. May take you a few years to get them to where adults can't see through the walls but it sounds really fun.
We have corn mazes(maize mazes) out here in the midwest USA. They cut mazes into the corn fields and have educational questions at intersections. If you choose the wrong answer you go to a dead end. Choose correctly and you get a treat bowl or some other reward.
I have not seen the layout of the project, one can only assume it will be huge. maybe thousands of pepper plants. I now cringe at the thought of 300.
But good luck just the same.
Dont think I am going that big!! Its more a bit of fun than a bona fide maze that you cant see through. Basically just growing a lot of peppers and trying to make someting fun at the same time. Its more about getting some beautiful visual plants. I think 100 plants maybe. Like you say a lot of work in pios, I may decide just to do it in the ground. But loose another foot and half of height. Things grow so fast here it might not matter.
Children only under supervision for sure! Will also keep many of the crazy hot peppers out of the maze, do not want to hurt people. Or have them hurt themsleves more to the point.
robbyjoe01 said:
You could collect varieties from every country(making it a who's who collection) or better yet show case the native varieties of food of your homeland giving visitors a native tour.
Nice idea, will add it to the list.