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Chilli plant problem

Hi Im wondering if anyone has had the black markings shown in the pictures attached before, I have recently started growing so Im a complete ameteur I had to pesticide the plants due to an aphid ant infestation where they nearly died. I also tried soapy water, they are now producing fruit however Ive had to take off a lot of black marked and misshapen leaves. If anyone can help that would b great.
Marshalld440 said:
Hi Im wondering if anyone has had the black markings shown in the pictures attached before, I have recently started growing so Im a complete ameteur I had to pesticide the plants due to an aphid ant infestation where they nearly died. I also tried soapy water, they are now producing fruit however Ive had to take off a lot of black marked and misshapen leaves. If anyone can help that would b great.
Welcome to the forum!
A few questions:
Just a few leaves or a sizable number?
Is the plant health otherwise?
Is this on one plant only of a large number?
How many plants do you have?
Note:Pix a bit small - If you can load bigger that would be great!
Hi guys, chileman & major pain, it was a sizable number however the new leaves are looking all good. Plant health apart from it looking a bit bare due to taking the leaves off its going good, producing fruit very well. I have 4 sweet peppers and 6 hot peppers 2 habenero 2 grim reaper and 2 ghost. I started them a bit early and made several mistakes as it was my first time. I have planted more seedlings after doing more research. Im not sure how to make the pictures any bigger as its taken off my phone, it doesnt look like black spots more like streaks of black. I think it could well be the burn off the soapy water or pesticide however my tomato plants dont seem bad but I didnt spray them as much. And also the habaneros are cool no problem at all.