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Chillis confused ?

I have something strange happening this year, and I was wondering if others have already seen this. All the chillies which I overwintered are in full bloom, notwithstanding that I keep them at 65 degrees (18 C), at still only about 12 hours of day light. It started with the chinense a couple of weeks ago, now also the annuum have started. A few annuum which I had trimmed have new, 2 inch branches, covered with flowers.
Has anyone seen this before? Any idea about the reason?
My overwintered Peach Habanero and Prairie Fire are producing new growth and flowers. It's good to see but all the flowers have dropped about a week after opening. I'm putting this down to the amount of daylight they currently receive, as well as the temperature as it's less than ideal for growing pods.

Once the weather warms up I expect to see a few small pods form :-D
same here, my over wintering plants sit in a south window, 8ft in length. suryanki cluster were first(I am picking rippened fruit still), then a super hot chili flowered and fruited(just had a small pod), next were my ceyenne which flowered and now have several pods and as I just checked appear to have several more brilliant flowers.

this has occured all winter, many of the plant's flowers were very small, pinhead size, then dropped off.

as of right now, it seems my habanero and tepin have finally fallen asleep for the winter, no new growth and the plants appear idle. hab has no new growth and the tepin lower leaves have dropped leaving only upper leaves-this has only occured in the last month or so. goats weed have grown about 2 inches in the past month. jalapeno has new growth.

I was cleaning out some old chilis from the freezer and tasted a pod that was sweet but had some heat, so I seeded a pod and planted the seeds. i now have serveral 4" plants with large leaves and small buds starting unfortunately I never wrote down the variety. with that success I thought I would plant some habanero and out of a dozen seeds only 1 sprouted to approximately 1/4" then just stopped growing, that was January. I planted some serano and only 1 sprouted and it too appears idle, it is about 1" in height and has the luxury of sitting under a grow light.

our days are getting longer and the sun is getting higher and warmer, sun is up around 8am and sets around 6:30pm(versus Decembers 9am-4:30pm). snow is melting, most of the ground is frozen solid, outside I have a south exposed flower bed, that is close to the house and sheltered and my tulips have pushed though approximately 1inch.
It will produce flowers as long as it gets decent light, hours of light or color of light don't matter, it's a tropical perennial and will flower continuously till it dies :) No suprise really, though if you want a larger plant before spring, you should pinch all buds.
I have the same problem, my overwintered plants want to go into mega flower mode and it sure is a lot of work pinching flowers. I try to give them extra nitrogen and low phosphorous but things don't usually turn around until I get the plants outside.
Just curious gvittman, what type of lighting are you using?
Hey guys, thanks for all of your helpful replies, and apparently I am not alone.
To answer to Potawie's question, I use day light, big 10 x 7 foot window, and this may be the cause of the flowers. Other years I kept them in the storage room, which has only a small window. Another reason might be the fertilizer. Once a month I give half a dose of 6,6,6 liquid fertilizer.
So I should be pinching the flowers? I may do that on the annuum which I cut down before winter, but the scotch bonnets can stay the size they are. One of them, and I need to use a measuring stick to be sure, is my guess close to 5 ft tall. It had loads of pods last year, and if I see the bundles of flowers now (I just counted and 10 flowers in one bundle), then we are good. These flowers are open already 2 weeks, every day I shake the branches a bit, but I see nothing developing which might turn into a pod.
Is very well possible that I loose them all.
Loosing flowers now is a good thing in my opinion. If you get pods too early it will drastically slow down plant growth