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Chinese 5 Color

Well, growing C5 color this year for the first time. Plants are loaded with very pretty purple peppers. Although they have 4 more colors to go through, I couldnt wait any longer so I had one. Even at that color, the taste was really good and had a surprising amount of heat. Tons of seeds for seed collectors :)

Very happy with them.
yes they dont have a bad flavor and there best pickled with onion and garlic
they are one of my favs to grow for looks and it will be the one eveyone will pick out and coment on first
i had so many seeds i was giving them away last year

good to hear there doing good for you
the more you pick the more you will get with one

thanks your friend joe
yes they dont have a bad flavor and there best pickled with onion and garlic
they are one of my favs to grow for looks and it will be the one eveyone will pick out and coment on first
i had so many seeds i was giving them away last year

good to hear there doing good for you
the more you pick the more you will get with one

thanks your friend joe

Any ideas where these are available online to purchase??

Ideally in Australia or somewhere that ships to here ??

They are one great looking plant
here is a picture of one. This is the first color (purple). They supposidly then go to cream to yellow to orange and finally to red.

Those look a bit different than the ones I grow. I found them hot but not exactly a great taste. This year I have quite a few growing as well as "Chinese 5 color X Whippets tail" f2s which are starting to show a lot of variation.

This is how my Chinese 5 colors start out

And full of colors
Those look a bit different than the ones I grow. I found them hot but not exactly a great taste. This year I have quite a few growing as well as "Chinese 5 color X Whippets tail" f2s which are starting to show a lot of variation.

This is how my Chinese 5 colors start out

And full of colors

Yea most of mine plants grew taller rather than bushier this year..not sure why.
Your pic of all 5 colors is sweet!
Maybe the key to taste is to pic them early! lol not sure cause first time I have eaten them. I will try at each color and see if taste gets better or worse.
I grew some of these in my mom's flower garden last year. I got many compliments from people. They were beautiful with lots of pods. I did not like the flavor at all. Mine had a strong bitter aftertaste. I do plan on growing them again this year though because they were so pretty.
Ocho Cinco said:
I grew some of these in my mom's flower garden last year. I got many compliments from people. They were beautiful with lots of pods. I did not like the flavor at all. Mine had a strong bitter aftertaste. I do plan on growing them again this year though because they were so pretty.
they are beautiful and one of my top fav ornamentals
they dont taste good just so but are good pickled with onion and garlic
i growing it again this year
thanks your friend Joe
Nice looking plant there.  Now just to ask, is this another name for the NuMex Twilight?  I have those coming up on the way, and seen these and was just wondering.  Thank you.  These plants look so nice, I convinced the lady of the house to let me grow them up front instead of flowers, as they were nice and colorful. 
obchili said:
Nice looking plant there.  Now just to ask, is this another name for the NuMex Twilight?  I have those coming up on the way, and seen these and was just wondering.  Thank you.  These plants look so nice, I convinced the lady of the house to let me grow them up front instead of flowers, as they were nice and colorful. 
As far as I know  the Chinese 5 Color chiles are a variety of their own.
I bought my seeds from Baker Creek and I don't think that they rename varieties. I think that they try to stay true to the history of the plants.
I've been growing the Chinese 5 Color on and off since 2007. I received my original seed from a grower (fiedlermeister) who no longer posts on the forums.
Chinese 5 Color is not another name for Numex Twiight, I grow both. I suspect they're related. The 5 Color grows 2+ times taller and the pods are easily twice the size of twilights. They taste better too.
Trippa, I'd be happy to send some your way for postage. email me at ottawapepper (you know that at thing) hotmail (you know that dot thing) com.