• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.


I recently got seeds for and grew and now have what is supposed to be a CHINESE LICORICE PEPPER
it appears to be an annum species
what i need is for someone to help me with a true photo of this pepper for comparison,
i also wanna know do they look quite a bit like a small Hungarian wax pepper?? mine look like that
i cant seem to find anything online on this pepper

if anyone can help please do

i will be following this thread

its a real pain posting pics on here and i find it troubling to always ask others to help me post them
so please bare with me

the plant i have is not very tall maybe 12 inches or so and the peppers are yellow and growing upward
the indeed look like a small Hungarian wax pepper about 3 inches at this time

is this a good representation of what a a CHINESE LICORICE PEPPER looks like??

please help if you can

thanks your friend Joe
No such thing as a Chinese Licorice Pepper.

A guy named Floridabare,Florida Pepper.... ripped a bunch of people off several years ago claiming he had a heart shaped ,Red,Chinense from China to trade.
Was supposed to have a licorice taste...overtones...

He claimed he went to China and brought them back with him.

He sent people seeds from who knows what in trade for Bhut seeds.
He badmouthed everyone who traded seeds with him.

All the seeds anyone ever got to my knowledge were Annuums and grew into New Mex looking peppers.
He started trading them on G.W. and here.
Gave a lot of people crap,called everyone thieves etc. if the seeds you sent didn't come in his mailbox overnight.

He especially gave Chris (CMPman) and I a hard time.

In general,from what I've heard he basically sent seeds from the dollar store or whatever to everyone he traded with.
He claims that every one got crosses but his grew true...
Guy is bad news and not to be trusted.
He still is on several sites still pulling the same crap.

Just to give him the benefit of the doubt about his claims of a cross I've grown plants in isolation for at least 5 or 6 generations in isolation.I always got the exact same plant and pods.
If it was a hybrid I don't think I would always get the exact same thing.
I have generation 6 or 7 going now.After 8-10 generations it can be considered to be stable.
The guy just wanted Bhut seeds and loves to badmouth people.
A total jerk.
thanks for clarifying

that totally sucks!!
hey smoke i got the seeds from you, but dont worry im not holding you accountable for them there are some people that just have no morals what so ever!! he will never get anything from me now that i know, he seems to find it very easy to tyr and ruin peoples reps
its a neat looking plant however and may be a new mex type

i wanna get a few pics of it ,may get a chance today to get out

thanks your Friend joe
The seeds I send out called chinese licorice I usually lable as C. Jackassium or something similar.
I guess I didn't on the ones I sent you.
I usually send them as extras with a trade.
Those are probably 3 or so generation seeds.I've got a lot of those seeds from isolated grow outs over the years.
Most people ask me what they are etc.Why I said they were C.Jackassium....

Both Chris and I have posted pics of them before.
They usually turn green to dark red.Look like the dried chiles that are in the store - Guajillo,California or New Mexico Chile.
I saw Stan Bartlet (Florida whatever)still offering trades for them on another site not that long ago.

Chris and I ,among others , set him up with super hot seeds way back when they first made their appearance.At least 5+ yrs. ago.
All we got was crap from him in return.
He publicly bad mouthed seed vendors about his inability to get the seeds-any seeds to grow for him.
Everyone sent him bad seeds,it wasn't because he didn't have a clue about growing peppers from seed.

We all sent him bad seeds as far as he was concerned.
He really gave U.S.Hot stuff (I think it was) a bad time.

Back then only a couple vendors even sold Bhuts and Dorset naga.I don't think anyone was selling Scorions or 7 pots yet.
All that were around then was 7 Pot Jonah,T.Scorpion Jonah,Butch T. (Scorpion Jonah possible cross with Cumari) and maybe a very few other 7 pots and scorpions.Maybe Yellow Scorpion JF,not sure if John had them yet at that time.

Floridabare used an Aerogarden and bad mouthed it too,then tried to sell it here and other places...
The guy is a real piece of work.
Too bad Joe..I remember seeing that chinese licorice pepper on someone's list. Can't remember
who though. I didn't know that guy was here too. Maybe you can find a use for those peppers.