Chinese Ornamental Pepper

Has anybody heard of this kind of Pepper? Or even better anybody has ever grown it? I ordered sum seeds a few days ago for next season. but I was wondering If anyone had any information?

This is a picture of where I bought it....

We've got a variety here in Japan that we call "Shima tougarashi" translated to "Island Pepper" or "island Chili". It looks just like that, it's a good producer and got some decent heat.
Turkey said:
So.. nobody has ever tried it huh?

I think lurker/quest #195 has grown that strain & has alot of info about it, but they dont want to share the info. :mouthonfire:

but for me nope, I've never heard of it or grown it.
chilehunter said:
I think lurker/quest #195 has grown that strain & has alot of info about it, but they dont want to share the info. :mouthonfire:

but for me nope, I've never heard of it or grown it.

Lurker/Quest huh?

Im lost well got my seeds yesterday..!! And it requires as same as other peppers.!
oops, I meant Guest not quest :oops:
lurker/guest - I was talking about all the people (guests) that visit this site but choose not to partake in this forum :shocked:
Do you guys think maybe I can grow da chinese ornamental chili indoors...??? Maybe try dat 1 piece DIY Hydro thing that sumone showed me in my last thread..?? Well thanks..!:whistle: