chinense Chocolate Bhutlah DM vs Black Bhutlah SLP

If you were to grow one of these varieties next year which would you choose?
Which would be hotter, tastier and gnarlier?

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I am familiar with the Bhutlah DM and am growing several of them. However, I would grow both of space was no issue. If I had to choose, I would go DM cause bbn I already know I and is very hot and equally tasty.
I've only had the chocolate bhutlah from PeppersByMail. How do they differ from the others?

If the taste is almost identical and it just comes down to size and shape, I'm content. Otherwise I still want to get my hands on the SM version.
Ghaleon said:
I've only had the chocolate bhutlah from PeppersByMail. How do they differ from the others?

If the taste is almost identical and it just comes down to size and shape, I'm content. Otherwise I still want to get my hands on the SM version.
Reading their website it seems they sell the original grown by Steven McLaurin. The DM is the previous strain selectively bred by Dave Minor, growing the largest and hottest pods he found. The SLP is a darker coloured strain found by a grower named Christopher Phillips.

Google helped me out with this.

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Based on various photos and descriptions I was set on growing out the Chocolate Bhutlah DM this grow. They look great. Unfortunately, I got 0% germination after two attempts (I germinated 70+ other varieties fine). Sourced from worldshottestchiles dot com.
So I guess that means I would choose Black Bhutlah SLP instead of risking a third attempt at DM.
Ghaleon said:
Worldshottestchiles charges $13 for just six reapers. Screw that. I look elsewhere on general principle.
Puckerbutt also have F2 seeds of the black Bhutlah

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I have currently 3 Bhutlah strains growing this year. CS, SM and DM. If I get some decent lines of chocolate Bhuts and Douglahs I may work on my own strain. Thus far, the DM is a favorite of the bhutlahs. but you cant go wrong with any of them.
Spicy Mushroom said:
Do you recall where you sourced the DM seeds? None of mine germinated this year :(
No, Sorry, I really need to start keeping better records of acquisitions. I plan on getting all new stock directly from Dave this fall.
Spicy Mushroom said:
Do you recall where you sourced the DM seeds? None of mine germinated this year :(
I've not seen any other reputable websites selling them, none that I'd trust anyway. I think I'll try to germinate both next year and see which is more successful

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