food Chocolate covered chilies?????

I'm sure it's been done. Anyone have any experience? I was thinking of trying jals or habs and then use a sweetened cream cheese type filling then dip in chocolate and cool. Thoughts? Maybe have to par boil them a bit?
If you parboil them, won't they get soggy?

Sounds like a good plan to me...just make sure if you're using Habs you don't give them to peeps who've never tried them (unless you don't like those peeps, in which case, fire away! :hell:)
This has nothing to do with chocolate covered Habaneros .... sorry SouthernYooper

This has to with what Aji Chombo was saying about not giving them to peeps. Aji if you don't know we a thing here called Halloween . Youths will dress-up in costumes and go door to "Trick or Treating " . The ideas is you give away treats ..... and if you don't ..... you get tricked. They'll write rude stuff on your windows with soap or toss toilet paper all over your trees.

Well ...... adult children like to join in on the fun too ... usually much brew is consumed . So one year I made a try of Big Orange Habaneros , the ones that have wrinkles and stuff. They always looked like a Jack-O-Jacl-O-Latern to me. That's a Pumpkin with a face carved in it. So I took all these beauties and drew a face on them with with a Sharpie. They were so orange ... bright and waxy looking just like candy .....

Sorry to high-jack this

P. Dreadie
Yeah, they might get soggy.........just wondered if you wanted the full on crunch of the raw pepper. Just a thought I had brewin in the ole noggin. Tricking people is always fun as long as they have a sense of humor about it.
I had some chocolate covered habs at Peppers at the Beach, and they definitely were not parboiled. They were just raw and dipped into chocolate and then cooled or chilled not sure which. They were good.